@Nattes Novgrel
If one is white, they get all the breaks. If one is not, they’ll get breaks, just not all the time.
Ooh, I just remembered two, three years ago New York police conducted patdowns of random non-caucassian passersby daily. I know not if it’s still occuring today. <w<
@Nattes Novgrel
Being white guarantees you a job ahead of a coloured man, at least, it did fifty, a hundred years ago. Same sort of thing occured in seeking bank loans, food and other services and businesses, and obviously public transportation.
Before white skin was a unanimous free ticket to whatever despite a person’s accent or language, a person’s accent or language also held some water. It’s not a big deal now, but being Irish, Jewish, Italian, or another type of North or East European was as frowned upon as being dark skinned.
I could go on, but I kind of wouldn’t be able to articulate it better than guys like King or Malcolm or Ali or this English profressor I really liked whose lesson plan consisted entirely of race and social issues.
Simply put, certain events including Prop 8 and said English professor caused me to be terminally empathetic.
@Background Pony #2E1D
I thought most nationalists nowadays are anti-interventionalists as opposed to the warmongering fascists of old.
Also, I’m pretty sure imperialism was more about valuables and land than white supremacy. White supremacy was more of a side-effect.
@Nattes Novgrel
Honestly? Black nationalism occurs in small parts of Africa, white nationalism took over half the world. Which one sounds more destructive? Yes they’re both bad, but the one that is more devastating is gonna get more attention. Hell, I’m white, but I still understand this. When anti-BLM people say “all lives matter”, yeah of course all lives matter, you’d have to be a psychopath to think otherwise. But right now, the firemen want to focus on the buildings that are already burning. I’m not preaching SJW shit, they’re just psychotic, but I’m taking the side of the groups which were more systematically abused over history.
@Background Pony #2E1D
Imperialism wasn’t an inherently awful idea, we just treated the natives inhumanly.
And the way you say “white nationalism” makes me assume that you don’t think black or minority nationalism is as bad as white.
Pride and respect? Nah. It was always about grabbing more stuff than people not defined as White, a definition which was always fluid as convenient (evidence: Irish).
>still better than social justice ponies
Nope, I think I’d rather have ponies who preach equality, than neo-nazi ponies
And yes, as bad as SJWs are, they’re still infinitely better than Neo-Nazis