Commander Hurricane Derpy. I loved the concept and wanted to make one for myself. This was made using Rainbow Dash’s armor and body in the episode about Hearth’s Warming Eve. Where she herself played the part of Commander Hurricane. Mostly I remember this character from Pony Fantasy 6 after seeing a Let’s Play of it done by FiMFlamFilosophy on Youtube(They do good pony work). I Vectored the Mane from the Equestria Games Episode as well as the Tail. I wish to improve my Vectoring and plan to start making Bases to make this process quicker instead of having to redraw the whole body and stuff all the time. I hope you all like it. Critique is always welcome and I will try to learn as I go along. Thanks Everyone for taking some time to view what I made. If you wish to use her or have something you would like me to try, just send me a message.
All rights and Credit goes to Hasbro and this piece was made, not for profit, but for entertainment purposes only.
Always remember to ask the Artist Permission to do edits!