Background Pony #50C1
@Background Pony #D160  
I think our issue here is that you focus on specific things everybody here is saying and then twisting them around to fit your argument, no matter how ridiculous.
Why didn’t Twilight “give a fuck” when Trixie showed her how “crappy” their lives are? Here’s why: when people are dished out karma, for whatever reason, most sensible people analyze their situation as to how they fell so low. They then use this experience to right wrongs and better themselves. Trixie however is they type of individual to blame others for knocking her down, when in reality she was ostracized for antagonizing others and place herself above everyone else. She puts the blame on Twilight instead of trying to better herself, wherein she just tries to prove she’s better than Twilight by attacking her friends.
That is why Twilight did not “give a fuck” about Trixie.
Starlight’s redemption was crappy, sure. But the difference between her and Trixie is that she was remorseful and sought a better way under Twilight’s guidance. And to tell the truth, for being such a big fan of Trixie you don’t seem to have a firm grasp on her character. She would likely spit in Twilight’s hoof sooner than she’d accept help from her. Not to mention, you completely misunderstood what I meant by illusions. Illusion magic, as in stage magic, like a magician, is what Trixie does.
Background Pony #364D
Twilight also didn’t give a fuck about Trixie even after she showed Twilight how crappy her life has been going. Twilight could have helped Trixie and teach her, but no. Starlight gets that instead. I will never accept this.
It just makes me think the entire episode should not have happened. I didn’t find anything intelligent or satisfying about it. I like my idea for a Trixie episode better. I would actually treat her character with dignity and respect, like it should have been in the first place.
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Culture Vulture
@Background Pony #D160  
“I’m not asking for Twilight to be infallible, I expected her to be a better person. She…”  
Sorry, for repeating myself, but again from all that I’ve said I do believe that to have been the point of the episode. She should’ve, but didn’t; as I’ve said before I believe that such a phrase applies to all three of them.  
Secondly Twilight forgave Trixie for going mad while under the influence of the amulet and that was the only thing Trixie apologized for.  
Trixie: It’s the least I could do. I treated you and your friends so horribly when I was wearing that Alicorn Amulet. I just couldn’t control myself. You can forgive me, can’t you?  
Twilight Sparkle: Hmmm. Sure.
Trixie was forgiven for her tyrannical assault on the town, but not for being Trixie; that apology was even followed with Trixie falling back into her egotism:  
Trixie: Oh, good. Don’t you think the Great and Apologetic Trixie is the most magnificent humble pony you’ve ever seen?!
“It’s pretty sad when a dangerous psychopath is lecturing Twilight, the princess of friendship. It’s sad how Twilight needed to learn this in the first place, and makes me believe her title is undeserved.”  
Again I’m not seeing how Twilight is above such. A teacher can still be taught and skilled athlete can still be out-skilled. As the saying goes; even a broken clock is right twice a day. I spite of behavior and the lack pf respect of you’ve afford to me (to which you’ve admitted to of your own volition), I still made note of points of which I agreed with you or even defend some of your actions like here: @ColdhardSilver
“I tired toning it down a bit, but thinking about this just upsets me.”  
And that’s fine. I’ve said before that it’s fine, only when you cross the line is it not and I’ve already stated where I feel as if you do and reassured you on points were I feel you’re justified.
Background Pony #364D
@Background Pony #7ACC  
I never said Trixie was op, just that she was talented at using magic. Name ONE illusion spell that she did. Illusions are only good for fooling you into thinking they are real, Trixie has obvious practical uses to her magic, and has used a variety of different spells. She is very clearly above most unicorns in terms of magic.
Trixie was also making a genuine effort to change her life around, but fuck her right? Why did you conveniently forget that part?
Background Pony #50C1
@Background Pony #D160  
But you are attacking people. You’re lashing out and outright calling them wrong for liking the episode, liking Starlight, and appreciating the writing.
I think you should watch Trixie’s first episode again. She isn’t depicted as an OP mage, but she isn’t weak either. No one ever calls Trixie weak. Her magic always applied to stage magic, illusions in the like. That’s the whole reason why she was called out in her first episode; she made herself out to be some powerful sorcerer on the level of Twilight when in reality it was all an act (and an effective, albeit snobby, one at that).
As for how Twilight acted, she only let Trixie go because she was, in the end, not entirely guilty for her crimes in the last episode, she was influenced by an amulet. Yet Twilight’s problem with her vs Starlight is that Trixie never seems like she’s making a genuine effort to change, as she lets her grudge for Twilight get in the way. Like Discord, she antagonizes Twilight and is therefore met with hostility. Neither of them are blameless in this scenario, Trixie wasn’t a woobie and Twilight was allowing grudges to render herself shortsighted.
Background Pony #364D
I’m not asking for Twilight to be infallible, I expected her to be a better person. She doesn’t show any regard for Trixie until the end, and she still isn’t offered friendship. Her concern for Starlight is unwarranted, as she directly forgave Trixie the last time, and now it’s like that meant nothing. If she was willing to trust Starlight to make any friends at all, then Trixie should have been questioned.
It’s pretty sad when a dangerous psychopath is lecturing Twilight, the princess of friendship. It’s sad how Twilight needed to learn this in the first place, and makes me believe her title is undeserved.
I tired toning it down a bit, but thinking about this just upsets me.
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Culture Vulture
@Background Pony #D160  
So we’re ending this?
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Culture Vulture
@Background Pony #D160  
“Why does the princess of friendship need to learn a lesson about not being a callous, uncaring sow?”  
Why do professional skaters still wear pads, why do professors still need teacher evaluations? Just because you hold the position, doesn’t make you infallible and again I see this as the point of the episode. The princess of friendship, the friendless magician on a repentance tour, and gal trying to make friends and stay levelhead all acted in a way that flew in the face of such; moments of weakness. RD may be a great flyer, but she still loses and Rarity may be generous, but she not above having moments of greed. In many cases, I find, that doing such purposely is the point of episodes and as I’ve said before I believe this is also a case of that. Furthermore how was Twilight callous or uncaring? I don’t recall one moment where Twilight directly antagonized Trixie. If anything her fault in the episode was caring too much; she was so concerned about Starlight that she didn’t give Trixie the benefit of the doubt.
“and there isn’t any reason why Star should gets friends and trust over Trixie”  
I disagree in the context of the episode. Why did Star back up Trixie over what Twilight, her teacher, was saying? Starlight got to chance to bond with Trixie; and the same applies with Twilight. Twilight didn’t know Trixie the way Starlight did in the episode until the end and Twilight has known Starlight now more than the brief moments she been with Trixie.
“The end of the episode had Starlight having to ask permission and be reassured before she would go save Trixie, who was about to end her career, and possibly her life. That was another ugly aspect of this one”  
Where? The scene went:  
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, when I first came to Ponyville, Princess Celestia gave me room to make my own decisions and my own friends. I need to give you the same freedom. I shouldn’t have tried to pick and choose your friends for you. Just like me, you have to make your own decisions and your own friends.  
Starlight Glimmer: But… what if Trixie really was using me just to one-up you?  
Twilight Sparkle: From what I’ve seen, she’s the real thing.  
Twilight Sparkle: But it’s not my place to judge. It’s all up to you.  
Let’s not forget that like the rest of the audience Twilight had didn’t know the lethal nature of the trick.
Background Pony #364D
@Background Pony #CC95  
True, I can be an obsessive asshole. I’ll stop.
Background Pony #364D
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Background Pony #F7B5
@Background Pony #D160  
Maybe you should take a break then? You’re not going to convince anyone who’s already made up their mind about it especially not by refusing to respect their point of view. Frankly we’ve heard this argument dozens of times already and there are obviously going to be people who disagree with your interpretation of it, the only good it does is just let people know that you’re dissatisfied but I doubt it’s really going to make you feel better in the long run.
Background Pony #50C1
@Background Pony #D160  
Christ bro chill lol. Trixie’s been portrayed this way since her first episode, and if you say otherwise I simply suggest that you watch it again because I assure you you’re being far angrier over this than you need to be and should be. Violently lashing out at peeps because they liked what you didn’t isn’t helping matter either. I highly suggest you step outside for a bit
Background Pony #364D
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Background Pony #364D
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Culture Vulture
UUUU can’t escape it @Evowizard25
@Background Pony #8A82  
As far as I’m concerned, she did. If my being here hasn’t made it clear yet, Trixie’s involvements and how it correlates with the actions of Twilight and Starlight were great to me and made for an equally great episode. As you gave Evowizard the same respect, I’m sure you can see this is my analysis in spite of our disagreement, correct?
Background Pony #2671
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Culture Vulture
@Background Pony #8A82  
“I think that my take on the matter is reasonable…”  
I’ve repeatedly said it was, even “if I’m an angry fuck” isn’t a problem, but as I’ve said before it’s your assertions on others that I must call into question as they appear be they insulting or like “I’m sick of people taking Twilight’s side” is just silly.
“Twilight had no reason at all in the slightest to not trust Trixie. Period”  
Firstly, speak for yourself.  
Secondly, I’ve already said my piece as to why so at this point there is nothing more I add that wouldn’t involve repeating old points just like this:
“She trusted Starlight and gave her friendship, she should have done the same with her”  
Yes, and as far as I can see that was the point episode. What all three characters should’ve done was clear to the audience, but what should be done and what one does are two very different things as I’ve said before going over each character’s role and fault in the episode. Heck the hypocrisy of it all was Starlight’s point in the episode as it was the main thing she harped on in her talks with Twilight and Twilight responds to that at the end with her admitting fault and realizing that it was not her place to judge in the manner in which she did.

@Background Pony #8A82  
Well, I said she wasn’t that good of a character until this episode for me where I thought she started to blossom into someone I could actually enjoy and want to see back where before that… wasn’t the case.
Also, I’m proud. No one made a Bane Joke.
Background Pony #2671
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@Background Pony #8A82  
I’m a big guy.
Background Pony #2671
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@Mr grump  
Eh, I’m a pacifist and not an idiot so I wouldn’t try… Maybe with a tank shell to Chrysalis… hmmm.
Odd, I find Chrysalis a joy to write for and I like the comic portrayal but her show performance…. No. I’d rather slam my head into a wall then go through it again. {Though maybe that’s just my opinion on her episode entirely.} Again, probably just me.
Background Pony #2671
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Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
If you tried to kick chrysalis you’d lose your foot. If you tried to kick discord he’d turn you into a foot. Gilda might be out of your league too, what with the talons and all.
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Culture Vulture
While I disagree with that dude, it’s a fictional character. Lots of folks say that about characters as a way expression their animosity toward said characters even if other people like you or I don’t.