Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

It’s a combination of how dismally he treats Twilight in the story, Gashi’s inability to have anyone but the Doctor and, to a degree, Spike show any kind of competence, and his utter failure at writing drama or tragedy. Hell, as of this page he’s now proven he doesn’t understand the nature of the character he claimed the story was about at all.
Background Pony #2810
It’s only gonna be drama when I take a sledgehammer to William Hartnell’s grave and send it to Gashi as a review of his story. Not that I would, mind you. XD
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I was never a fan of Doctor Who(oves), but sheesh, even I’m surprised at some of the backlash.
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

…isn’t the Doctor well known for not sticking to prophesied events? Or no win scenarios in general? I mean, god damn, I think the Doctor is the one who’s been switched out for a Changeling cuz this is the sort of bullshit that the Gallifreyan Time Lords would spout.
Jesus Christ, Gashiboka, if you’re going to dedicate an entire comic to how much everyone but the Doctor sucks, can you at least have the Doctor stay in character? His refusal to abide by prophesy outside of fixed points in time is one of the few constants in his reincarnations, for fuck’s sake.

@Background Pony #6EAB  
Shots fired. Waiting for whovian drama counterattack.
Background Pony #2810
…Doctor Who being brought back was a mistake.
No no. Doctor Who being MADE was a mistake.

Dun dun dun… Who’s the weird pegasus with spiky hair in the shadows?