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Artist’s comment:
4” foot to head Princess Ember figure flies to 11.5” tall with base.
eBay listing -…@?
Listed from 5-8 to 5-15 7PM PST
Her video turn is available at:
Photoset -…@
4” foot to head Princess Ember figure flies to 11.5” tall with base.
eBay listing -…@?
Listed from 5-8 to 5-15 7PM PST
Her video turn is available at:
Photoset -…@
I know a lot of you don’t like TUA, but reporting him for comments like this (and half a dozen others) for rule #0 wastes my time and clutters up the queue with nothing.
As for the price, y’all need to get jobs; purchases like these are a one-two time a year thing you put in a nice place of your home to lighten up a shit day a bit after 10h+ at work. And if you think they’re so easy and quick to make, congrats, go make and sell some, undercut these “absurd” prices, I’m sure you’ll be rich in no time!
we’re laughing at you, not with you
They’re both hideous, but one at least has a price that makes more sense. Love how everyone is trying to rationalize garbage. :D This is entertaining as fuck.
Yeah, but that Amaterasu figure is hideous.
If this is your idea of quality, then I have a hard time taking you seriously.
What’s disgraceful is First4Figures charging you 300-400$ for a low quality piece they can easily duplicate at a sweatshop but instead increases the price for false scarcity.
But hey it’s got LED’s on it! 8Dc lol.
I’m… not sure how you think you’re being clever here; do you honestly not understand that “professional artist” is in fact a real job description?
Implying art is a job. :^)
Other people’s jobs sure are easy when you have zero clue what’s actually involved in them, huh.
I agree for the most part. Seriously the fuck is that price. She looks like a toy from a mcDonald’s happy meal, and the base is something threw together from play-doh. At least with 450$ PLUS the 60$ standard shipping I could go out and get myself a special edition Amateratsu from First4Figures and have change leftover. Sheesh the fucking price people would pay over stupid hand-made shit.
@Background Pony #B972
Y’all are absolutely wasting your time trying to explain the concept of fair pricing to him.
That’s what happens with mass manufacturing. I’m sure us people who can’t afford these hand-made products will be fine settling for the slightly worse quality of something more in our price range. But it’s fun to gawk.
There’s an economy-of-scale thing going on here. It’s cheaper (per unit) to produce design a statue for a few hundred then make a couple thousand and sell them all for low price. But since this is a one-off, you’re getting the full design price up front.
Hundreds? I don’t think it would take “hundreds of hours” to make an 11” statue.
@Background Pony #B972
Still pretty ridiculous that so much is charged for statues.
But I suppose I’m spoiled by 3D printing and chinese manufacturers. Seems kinda ridiculous to pay $400 for a plush when I can get one of similar quality for $25 off eBay, or $500 for a statue when a similar 3D Print would run you $80-$100 at most.
A limited run figure of similar proportions and quality would be several hundred dollars. This was handmade, from scratch, by not only the most talented MLP sculptor but one of the most talented sculptors on deviantart. $450 is a bargain, especially compared to some of the plushie prices we’ve seen.
This seems like the kind of thing that hundreds of hours of work went into.
Just seems like a ridiculous amount of money for an 11 inch statue. It’s really nice, but $450? Yeesh.
Not sure if complaining.
Commissioning Viistar is significantly more than that.