It’s against the rules. I am literally not allowed to prove you wrong. This is what a mod told me and it’s why I avoided making comments in comment sections that you participated in for the past two years.
Tell you what, though: Anyone coming into this thread thinking that you’re right and that illegal immigration is fantastic and illegals pay more into the welfare state than they take out and blah blah blah? They can send me a private message and I will provide them with a single link that will explain just how bullshit it is. For the whole “It’s not socialism, it’s corruption,” well. That won’t even need a link. A simple logic test will suffice. Though I might want to provide a link to support some parts of the logic test.
But the rules say that I can’t argue with you. I have provided proof that this is what was told to me by a site moderator. So I won’t. But anyone that wants to can get this link from me just by sending me a private message.
It’s against the rules. I am literally not allowed to prove you wrong. This is what a mod told me and it’s why I avoided making comments in comment sections that you participated in for the past two years.
Tell you what, though: Anyone coming into this thread thinking that you’re right and that illegal immigration is fantastic and illegals pay more into the welfare state than they take out and blah blah blah? They can send me a private message and I will provide them with a single link that will explain just how bullshit it is. For the whole “It’s not socialism, it’s corruption,” well. That won’t even need a link. A simple logic test will suffice. Though I might want to provide a link to support some parts of the logic test.
But the rules say that I can’t argue with you. I have provided proof that this is what was told to me by a site moderator. So I won’t. But anyone that wants to can get this link from me just by sending me a private message.