
It’s against the rules. I am literally not allowed to prove you wrong. This is what a mod told me and it’s why I avoided making comments in comment sections that you participated in for the past two years.
Tell you what, though: Anyone coming into this thread thinking that you’re right and that illegal immigration is fantastic and illegals pay more into the welfare state than they take out and blah blah blah? They can send me a private message and I will provide them with a single link that will explain just how bullshit it is. For the whole “It’s not socialism, it’s corruption,” well. That won’t even need a link. A simple logic test will suffice. Though I might want to provide a link to support some parts of the logic test.
But the rules say that I can’t argue with you. I have provided proof that this is what was told to me by a site moderator. So I won’t. But anyone that wants to can get this link from me just by sending me a private message.
Duck - If report count was a score, he'd have the biggest score
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!

That’s an awfully confrontational way to try to hide the fact that you were wrong and have nothing to back up your bizarre assertions, but, uh– whatever makes you feel better, I guess.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

@Background Pony #24FB  
“we go where we will have a better life” - probably every immigrant (legal and illegal) ever.

Well, I could refute the BS that you spewed forth. It’s so easy and I have plenty of links that are ready to go, not to mention appeals to logic and simple pattern recognition. But I’m not allowed!
It turns out that debating a topic with you, especially proving you wrong on a topic, is considered provoking you. I previously had a multi-day ban because you got pissy and, rather than accept the fact that you are a toxic leech on the Derpibooru community, it was the person that did not break any rules (IE me) that suffered the consequences.
You think I’m joking?
Turns out I did break two rules: Trying to have a rational discussion with you and proving you wrong.
You are such a child that there is an unwritten rule on this site to not correct you because you throw tantrums.
Tell me: Are you proud of this fact?
Duck - If report count was a score, he'd have the biggest score
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!

@Background Pony #A151  
I know how to stop illegal immigration: wreck the country so that no one will want to come
That is, historically, the only thing that actually works, aside from having a well-administered realistic immigration policy in the first place; illegal immigration numbers rise and fall along with the disparity between economic conditions in the source and destination countries. That’s true more or less worldwide.
the reason why they don’t stay in Mexico: Socialism
I’m pretty sure the endemic corruption at literally every level of authority and de facto immunity of the drug cartels which results in thousands of murders and disappearances every month have more to do with it than any scary boogeymonster fantasy of “socialism” does.
country that has collapsed economically under the weight of socialism  
There must be some kind of language barrier here, because “the weight of socialism” is a strange way to pronounce “a governmental culture of pervasive corruption that can be directly traced to Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, gleefully exacerbated by present day neo-fascist corporate lobbying that sets American immigration quotas which are deliberately designed to produce the maximum possible number of illegal and therefore easily exploitable immigrants”. Perhaps the problem is that you don’t actually have any real understanding of the subject of immigration in the USA?
The cost of illegal immigration is truly staggering, even using the most conservative estimates  
…Yeah, you having no understanding is definitely the problem. Illegal immigrants make up between 53 and 71% of the hired workers in the $835 billion US agriculture industry, and over 5% of the entire US workforce; according to the Congressional Budget Office the tax revenue they generate more than exceeds the cost of services provided to them, and they’re responsible for 10% of of the Social Security Trust Fund, even though their illegal status means they’re never going to be able to collect any benefits.

People do amazingly horrible things to each other. This applies to both men and women. It’s not always easy to spot the bad guy. If someone would call me sexist against women for what I’ve said, that’s kind of funny because I am a woman. Feminism is nonsense, though. It seems like just another victim group that gains power by complaining about imagined wrongs or things that happened long, long ago that don’t tend to happen now.

Feminists will call you sexist, but it’s true. Studies that put it at 2-8% (or some figure that’s still higher than other crimes) use monstrously bad methodology. I mean, we’re talking about studying 75% of the rape cases that are filed by the police as false, assuming that the other 25% are true, and then using the most absolute strict assessment for whether a report was false or not (CCTV proof that the man accused was across the country was considered “possibly” false in the study that everyone cites, for example). Under this methodology, cases like the Biurny Peguero case would be labeled as absolutely true. It’s really just activist “science.”
A friend of mine’s current fiancé (then boyfriend) had what you were talking about happen to him. Without going into too much detail, a woman that was upset that he turned her down filed a false rape claim, and then dropped it later. By the way, under most of the studies I mentioned, that would be considered an absolutely true case and a horrible miscarriage of justice.

It’s hard to know what the right punishment is in many cases. Rape cases are definitely something to be cautious about. The current system seems to be biased against men. A woman with a grudge against a man can wield a rape accusation as a weapon against him, and she is believed almost every time. Of course rape is a horrible crime, one of the most terrible out there, but we should be careful not to assume that every case is legitimate.

Well, I don’t think the death penalty should be applied to stealing at least. And we need to cut down on false prosecutions of rape before we’d consider enacting the death penalty for that. It’s really astonishing how hard police will go after suspected rapists and how easily they get convicted on little to no evidence.
I hate doing the Hitler comparison, but crimes as minor as bypassing the price controls could be punishable by death, so we do have to be careful when considering punishment for crimes that we don’t delve into fascism territory. I’m pretty sure many other fascist governments thought that such things were a good idea.

@Background Pony #A151
Mexican jails are horrible. Mexican criminals have found a really easy way to escape prosecution: Cross the border and settle down in a sanctuary city. And, if they get arrested for murdering or raping or stealing from someone, they can settle down in an American prison with three meals a day and a healthy Spanish-speaking population.
Punishment for crime has grown more and more lenient over time. Out of the offenses you’ve named, do you know what the sentence would be for any of them in colonial America? Death by hanging. It makes us look soft… Maybe we are too soft.

@Background Pony #A151
Welfare state politics. Milton Friedman once famously explained that the difference between unfettered immigration a century ago and unfettered immigration now is that the former happened during a free market period. We currently have a welfare state. Well, a welfare state-lite version of it, anyway.
But to make things worse (and this applies to illegal immigrants), many illegal immigrants today are taken care of in various ways by the welfare state. The cost of illegal immigration is truly staggering, even using the most conservative estimates.
But that’s not all!
Mexican jails are horrible. Mexican criminals have found a really easy way to escape prosecution: Cross the border and settle down in a sanctuary city. And, if they get arrested for murdering or raping or stealing from someone, they can settle down in an American prison with three meals a day and a healthy Spanish-speaking population.
And then, of course, the reason why they don’t stay in Mexico: Socialism. It’s wrecked every country that’s laid hands on it with the exception of those that are going into decline. Therefore, we should all support more socialism for the US! Yay!
Seriously, Sweden, the shining jewel of socialism, has had effectively zero job growth in the private sector in the past 40 years. We are getting to the point where, in just a few years, people will have entered and left the workforce without seeing any total private sector job growth. This is what socialists insist is the socialist paradise. Don’t look at Mexico or Greece or any other country that has collapsed economically under the weight of socialism. Instead, look at the one that’s slowly collapsing. But don’t look too hard. It ruins the illusion.
Background Pony #FD7A

@Background Pony #24FB  
This would be my first time voting (if I even decide to go). Can you actually do that? If so, APPLEJACK FOR PRESIDENT!!
Background Pony #0FFA
@Background Pony #24FB  
I looked through the list. The only thing I object to is that LEGAL immigrants will always be considered inferior in Mexico. That’s a bit xenophobic. Illegal immigrants should be dealt with toughly, though. They are law breakers, which many Americans seem to forget.
Background Pony #FD7A
Screw it, I’d just write-in Applejack.
Background Pony #C1BB
She may be strict and all, but I’ll vote Harshwhinny over Spoiled Rich ANY DAY!
Background Pony #0FFA
@Background Pony #24FB  
Wow, those laws are tougher. I’m sure many Americans would be horrified. I’m not sure how Mexico decides who is worthy and who isn’t, though. I hope that the mental health restrictions wouldn’t qualify for ALL mental illnesses, because over-diagnosis is incredibly common (and not all mentally ill people are technically crazy or dangerous).
Background Pony #FD7A
@Background Pony #A151  
-An immigrant to Mexico must be of worth to the Mexican government, and to the Mexican society.  
-All illegal immigration to Mexico is considered a felony to be dealt by with imprisonment.  
-Any Mexican citizen found aiding illegal immigrant to Mexico are also considered criminals under Mexican law.  
-Foreign immigrants, even naturalized, are legally denied equal work opportunities.  
-Foreigners to Mexico may be expelled for any reason, without due process.
That’s the main points I saw.
Background Pony #0FFA
@Background Pony #24FB  
I’m not familiar with Mexican laws… Any links with information?
Background Pony #FD7A
@Background Pony #A151  
We could always just copy Mexico’s laws on illegal immigration. It’ll stop all the Neo-McCarthyism nonsense about racism, and it’ll discourage a lot of people from coming over illegally.
Background Pony #0FFA
@Background Pony #E4DC  
I know how to stop illegal immigration: wreck the country so that no one will want to come. Or we could just reform the immigration system, but that would be too easy.
Background Pony #8C0C
Background Pony #0FFA
@Background Pony #24FB  
Why are so many Mexicans trying to come here (to the United States), even illegally?
Background Pony #FD7A
Why Canada when you can move to Mexico?