Personally, I think that Trump will say whatever he thinks he has to say in order to be elected. I don’t trust him. Did you know that he has been a member of FOUR different political parties? He is no Republican. He never could reject the idea of a third-party run if he lost the Republican nomination. He just can’t bear to lose. As for being a man of the people? Please, he’s been rich his whole life. Mitt Romney lost the last election for being an “out-of-touch rich guy” and now Trump, the ultimate “out-of-touch rich guy”, is winning. Don’t think he’s in this race for your benefit. For Trump, the universe revolves around him. He couldn’t care less about “we the people”.
I did not mean to offend you, but that BP is demanding something that would impossibilitate zippy’s phrase from even existing. if you removed the gender pronouns, the phrase would become pure gibberish.
@Background Pony #2D09
If Bernie wins, Bernie wll be first jewish president
If Hillary wins, Hillary wll be first female president.
If Trump wins, Trump wll be the last US president.