Aria: “Oh, sorry,, just a…random thought. … Oh. My God. Girls. I had the weirdest dream while I was napping. I said taco, like, five hundred times. Or was it pizza?”
Aria then notices the pizza.
Aria: “Oh, how lucky! It was pizza! Thanks, Blazing!”
Blazing: “N-no problem????”
Aria happily takes a slice, and the other Dazzlings pull up some chairs to sit in. You just kinda stand there and continually gnaw on a slice of cheese pizza, wondering what exactly just happened.
Me: “Wait, hang on minute. Didn’t this just happen already?”
Adagio: “Now hold up. I’ve done quite enough for the three of you, so it’s perfectly reasonable that I get the first slice.”
Me: “And what about you, Aria?”
Aria sits up.
Aria: “Hm?”
Me: “Didn’t you hear? I just came back with pizza. You gonna eat some?”
Aria: “Um…taco.”
Me: “Oh no. It’s Groundhog day!”
As Aria continues to utter the infernal-er word, beams of light begin escaping her as she floats in the air.
The walls of your apartment begin to crumble as pizza spirals in from everywhere that isn’t you.
The screams feel like they last forever.
Blazing: “Huh!”
…you’re awake.
Blazing: “…hm. Weird.”
Adagio: “Oh, good, you’re awake.”
She drops the car keys in your bed.
Adagio: “We need food.”
Blazing: “Oh…okay.”
You then decide to go out and get some pizza.
After about ten minutes of waiting and another ten of driving, you finally make it home with the pizza.
You open up the door and call out to the Dazzlings.
Blazing: “So, I got you guys pizza.”
Sonata: “Finally. I’m freaking starving.”
Aria: Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza
Adagio: Alright, I’ve had enough of this idiotic behaviour now. Cease this tom-foolery, Aria. Massages Temples I can feel another headache coming along already.
Aria: Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza
Sonata: Make it stop!
Blazing: “So, I got you guys pizza.”
Sonata: “Finally. I’m freaking starving.”
Adagio: “Now hold up. I’ve done quite enough for the three of you, so it’s perfectly reasonable that I get the first slice.”
Blazing: “And what about you, Aria?”
Aria sits up.
Aria: “Hm?”
Blazing: “Didn’t you hear? I just came back with pizza. You gonna eat some?”
Aria: “Um…taco.”
Aria shoots Blazing a toothy grin.
Blazing: “W-Wha?”
Aria: “Taco. Taco taco.”
Aria gleefully smiles.
Sonata: “She’s still obsessed with those disgusting things?”
Blazing: “Aria, aren’t you going to eat the pizza? THAT I BOUGHT FOR YOU ALL?”
Aria: “…taco. Taco taco taco! Taco taco, taco taco taco, taco.”
Adagio: “You’ll have to forgive her. While you were out and about, Aria went and hit her head on the coffee table. She’s been stuck saying that infernal word ever since. We even had to work out a guide for the poor girl so we could communicate-”
Blazing stops Adagio, who is clearly suppressing laughter.
Blazing: “Now I know that’s a load of bull-taco.”
Aria giggles as she grabs a plate and starts eating.
The four of you sit down, eating mostly in silence.
Blazing: “So how’s the pizza? I hate it when they’re cold-”
Aria: “Pizza.”
Blazing: “Um-”
Aria: “Pizza pizza pizza, pizza-”
Sonata facepalms as Aria continues to speak in “pizza”s.
Sonata: “This wouldn’t have happened, Adagio, if you hadn’t encouraged her.”
Adagio shrugs and keeps eating.