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  1. Me8221

    Me8221 Porno Junky

    Mar 21, 2021
    If I could go without one I would never wear one
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    1. phxbi_bear80
      I second this statement! :D
      phxbi_bear80, Nov 8, 2023
      Beavereator likes this.
    2. Wonderingeyes
      I third.
      Wonderingeyes, Nov 9, 2023
      phxbi_bear80 and Beavereator like this.
    3. Beavereator
      I will forth it.
      Beavereator, Nov 10, 2023
      phxbi_bear80 likes this.
    4. phxbi_bear80
      Declaration has passed! :D
      phxbi_bear80, Nov 15, 2023
  2. shiatbiatch

    shiatbiatch Porn Star

    Jan 13, 2020
    wire free bra and skirt/shorts/skort in summer should be ma’am-datory workplace uniform for goodness shake! Nothing more, nothing less.
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    1. shiatbiatch
      BTW, I am absolutely devastated almost on a nightly basis when that blob of ice cream drops smack dab on my newly clean bra. Ugh, and tring to pick it up, or spoon it off by merely spreading it into the fabric… no
      shiatbiatch, Nov 9, 2023
      Beavereator likes this.
  3. carcrazy223

    carcrazy223 Porno Junky

    Apr 10, 2012
    I’ll agree with this statement as well!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. carcrazy223

    carcrazy223 Porno Junky

    Apr 10, 2012
    Last week I bought a fish tank off a lady, her daughter was roughly my age and not wearing a bra, ugh and her nips was hard the whole time I was there!! Talk about blue balling myself ugh they was big as well!! Ugh!!! How I wished I was single at the time!
    • Like Like x 3
  5. LuvMeNow

    LuvMeNow Porno Junky

    Oct 22, 2023
    You're not the only one!
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    1. LittleLass
      You bought a fishtank and were sexually frustrated by the sellers daughter too? What a small world!
      LittleLass, Nov 9, 2023
    2. carcrazy223
      Hey now we all have a moments hahahha but yeah they looked nice and like yours I want to play with them! Hahah
      carcrazy223, Nov 9, 2023
  6. Kenrychard

    Kenrychard Porn Star

    Dec 29, 2012
    My first time with my hands inside a girlfriends top and I couldn't get her bra unfastened. I couldn't even find the hooks. I didn't know they made bras that hooked in front!!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. green_eye_hottie

    green_eye_hottie Porno Junky

    Dec 21, 2016
    As soon as I get home I’m bra is off, I’ve answered the door bra less a few times since I didn’t want to go put one on.
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    1. LuvMeNow
      I don't give a flying flip about answering the door braless. I'll be answering the door in biker shorts sporting a camel toe and my headlights on.

      I'm home and comfortable. If someone doesn't like it, they can leave.
      LuvMeNow, Nov 9, 2023
    2. LuvMeNow
      LOL My neighbors have pulled up the driveway and me like that, ON A DOG WALK.
      I'll also be wearing sheer beach dresses and nothing underneath.
      I live out in the country in Louisiana. It's hot. I want to be comfortable.
      LuvMeNow, Nov 10, 2023
    3. halodren
      Definitely want to see this braless look
      halodren, Nov 10, 2023
      sparky59 and Beavereator like this.
    4. Meme14982
      Meme14982, Apr 6, 2024
  8. Kittycumnow

    Kittycumnow Sex Lover

    May 20, 2022
    It is always the first thing to go when I get home… I’m all for banning the bra!
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  9. Soaker56

    Soaker56 Sex Lover

    Sep 14, 2023
    I stopped wearing a bra back in 2020, never going back. My favorite part now is when I'm at work and my nips get hard, I love watching men look and then see how they respond.
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    1. LuvMeNow
      I can't do that because of work. I have a physically demanding job and it hurts my breasts being flung around like that. And if I'm not careful, can even be pinched by a 50 lb case.
      I have to wear a backbrace at work, so what I've been looking into is actually wearing a bustier corset at work. "Technically" I already wear waist trainers while at work and at one point did wear a corset.
      LuvMeNow, Nov 10, 2023
  10. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018

    This is a picture of Mati Maroni, an internet model. The pics are taken from her Instagram page.
    Maybe she doesn't like wearing a bra either.
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  11. Buzzyboy09

    Buzzyboy09 Sex Lover

    Aug 15, 2021
    Good girl I honestly hope other women follow your example
  12. Luscious princess

    Luscious princess Sex Lover

    Jul 18, 2022
    Same I can’t wait either to let them go IMG0000076.jpeg
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    1. By-tor2112overture
      Wow. Those are destined to be free.
      By-tor2112overture, Nov 10, 2023
    2. thebxg352425
      I’ll unhook that bra and let them fall into my mouth anytime you’re ready
      thebxg352425, Nov 10, 2023
      Luscious princess likes this.
    3. LuvMeNow
      From one gal to another, you're very pretty.
      LuvMeNow, Nov 10, 2023
    4. KarlasDaddy31
      I’m not mad one bit about you taking your bra off… absolutely gorgeous darling!
      KarlasDaddy31, Nov 15, 2023
  13. By-tor2112overture

    By-tor2112overture Porn Star

    Jul 30, 2021
    When my girlfriend says,"Fuck it, I'm not wearing a bra...", it makes me proud of her. I feel a woman should never feel obligated to bind her boobies to please someone else's opinion. Same with makeup. I love when my girlfriend puts on her night eyes and heels to appease my porn addiction, but she knows it's not necessary. Dudes aren't expected to wear makeup, so women shouldn't be either.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. LuvMeNow
      My husband had to get over the idea that in heels, I'm eye-to-eye with him. He's 6'.
      LuvMeNow, Nov 15, 2023
      clsg2001 likes this.
  14. TommyGspot

    TommyGspot Porn Star

    Mar 17, 2018
    I try to go bra-less myself as much as possible.
  15. harddick469

    harddick469 Porn Star

    Jan 15, 2019
    Mmmmm... them titties are lovely.
  16. scharff

    scharff Porn Star

    Jul 17, 2016
    Bras are lovely when they're on the floor beside the bed, still warm from the wearer who took it off in front of me. Not as lovely as what was in the bra but undies piled up next to the bed is sexy.
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  17. 4skin

    4skin Sex Machine

    Mar 25, 2023
    Love to watch women go braless in the summer!
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  18. Girlnextdoor92

    Girlnextdoor92 Sex Lover

    Aug 22, 2022
    I hate wearing them, as soon as I’m in the car off work I’m taking it off.
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  19. ShadySara

    ShadySara Genteel English Rose

    Sep 3, 2022
    I don't hate wearing a bra but I often go without. But I'm small enough to go without one.
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