Oh don’t play innocent with us, Larson. This has your signature all over it: wings!
@Background Human
Personally I was hoping for an earth pony foal. I’m not saying I’m upset (or suprised) by the result, but it would’ve been interesting/nice to see how the couple would handle earth pony foal. We’ve already seen unicron and pegasus. Plus their entire extended family is non-earth pony, so it would make for some interesting situations.
@Background Human
This fandom generates drama all by itself. If the power of every shitstorm could be harnessed, we’d have free energy for the whole world.
@Background Pony #4CBA
Hey, he doesn’t have a problem with alcohol, you have a problem with all the alcohol people give him for free because he’s a popular creator of beloved content who’s well liked and respected in his industry, and when people find out he’s going to a convention it makes them want to go too.
@Background Pony #4CBA
There are a lot on unshaven alcoholics with a fondness for fedoras and children’s toys who might not share your point of view. I recommend not poking the hugbox.