Did anyone else laugh as much as I did when Kylo is flipping out, destroying her room after she escapes, and the two Stormtroopers down the hallway are like.
“Yeah, not going anywhere near that.”
You don’t need dialogue to make people laugh. :D Also, I knew nothing about this movie going into it (hadn’t even seen the trailer or cover poster) and I figured she was force sensitive when she sealed the door on the tentacle monster to cut off its limbs. Why are people acting like her using the Force was such a surprise?
Also, she failed on her first attempt to Force Persuade the guard, as you recall.
I didn’t say Anakin had no reason to be pissed, I said his dialogue and the acting made him look like a petulant child asking for a forbidden toy, when he should have been like Kylo. That’s actually what I said to my friends on my second viewing: Kylo is what Anakin should have been, if he had been directed by a competent filmmaker.
As for Ren’s reasons to go to the dark side, I can see some causes: growing up in the middle of a civil war, his parents are both generals so he probably didn’t see them much (he even says Solo was a disappointing father), he could have been corrupted by an outside influence, and most importantly he definitely worships Darth Vador and wants to be like him. Anakin seems to have more legitimate grievances, but Kylo is the one that sells it.
The prequels were critical failures, and for good reason. I know there is a big backlash against hating the prequel, since it’s the general consensus, but those movies were awful. Bad directing, bad effects, bad story, bad acting, bad everything. I was overjoyed when Disney liberated Star Wars from Lucas, since they are known to treat studios with respect. As for giving Lucas the middle finger, I hear there are people dancing around burning effigies of George Lucas, throwing Jar Jar Binks toys into the flames, chanting ding dong the witch is dead. True story.
On the contrary, I felt Anakin’s whining was justified when you think about the things that happened to him. Born and raised as a slave, taken in to be raised by the jedi (they mentioned he was too old for training), having his only family die in his arms, and attachment issues. Compared to Ren, who had two loving parents and a jedi uncle to help him out. The writing/acting could’ve been better for Anakin, but still I could understand why he was like that.
I hope they flesh out Ren some more in the next two films, because having too much Vader in him and Snoke doesn’t cut it.
As for my thoughts on Disney remaking/rebooting the Prequels, they shouldn’t bother and just keep moving forward with other projects. Despite their problems, the Prequels did some things right such as Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side and The birth of the Empire and the movies weren’t box office flops. Remaking would just piss off the fans who got into Star Wars through those films and be a middle finger to Lucas.
My feelings exactly. Really didn’t like his character, but in the end I think that’s how he’s supposed to be: completely unbalanced and emotionally unstable. A perfect candidate to become a user of the dark side. And at least he sells the act, he really looks and feels like a crazed teen that’s either about to burst into tears or go on a rampage, not like Anakin in the prequels that just looked like a pouty child.
I just hope in the next movie he has completed his training and becomes menacing again, cause like you said, as soon as he takes off that mask I just saw the galactic equivalent of an emo kid.
Yeah, he was cool and intimidating until he took his helmet off. Then he reminded of how whiny Anakin was. Like a little kid who didn’t get his way.
With those stormtroopers going all “Nope” when they hear him losing his mind? Entire audience lost their mind. Shows that it’s a common occurrence too. Kylo acts like a teenager when he’s probably around thirty.
@Background Pony #82F8
Maybe Rey was TRAINING under Luke before the events of the film as a youngling before she had to be dropped off at Jakku! That’s called IMPLICATIONS, Mr. Strawman. Maybe those visions were repressed memories. SHE WAS PRETTY YOUNG BEFORE SHE BECAME A SCAVENGER!
Luke? The whiny farmboy who spent most of the movie tagging along behind people who actually knew what they were doing, getting mocked constantly?
Who got the only skill he demonstrated in the first movie through years of flying in a fighter-trainer?
Who when he first picked up a lightsaber got humiliated by a training exercise designed for 6 year olds?
And most importantly, who took 6 years and 3 movies to get as powerful as Rey-Rey did 5 seconds after she found out what “the force” was?
@Background Pony #3024
>Any character that shows heroic traits is now called a Mary/Gary Sue. Lovely.
||Won’t sell a droid she defended from that very fate? Impressive. Strong female character? Feminist pandering, of course. Scavenger who has to know the inner workings of space ships to loot it properly? Naah, that makes no sense. Gets overwhelmed by the antagonist’s powers, gets thrown around by his control of the force, manages to resist his probing once? OP, unrealistic, because we know how the Force works obviously. She beats the villain after he has been wounded, is very weakened and he clearly is holding back? WTF how did she own him!
He’s right. She increasingly becomes a Mary Sue as the story goes on.
-She starts off as a scavenger (normal)
-Refuses to take a massive bribe (impressive)
-Takes on a bunch of thugs by herself (okay, still not bad)
-Meets Finn, who repeatedly takes her hand, she starts getting snippy (minor Feminist pandering imo)
-She gets into the ship with Finn, and manages to expertly dodge and weave between First Order fighters (starting to get a little iffy now…)
-She proves herself to be just as good at fixing ships as Han Solo (approaching Mary Sue territory at this point)
-She gets captured (backing away from Mary Sue territory)
-She …. discovers the Force… out of nowhere… resists the main antagonists and controls the stormtrooper with little effort (Thrown straight into the center of Mary Sue territory).
-She touches the Lightsaber, and has a massive freak-out because of her dark and troubled past (Total Mary Sue by this point).
-She runs off
-She has slight difficulty firing the blaster the first time… but there is no adverse effect to her initial delay (plot armour)
-She gets captures and bails herself out for the second time
-She totally owns the main villian (not saying much)
-She is celebrated as a hero with the happy ending
At least Kylo Ren’s dialogue isn’t pure concentrated cringe. He was written to be immature and kinda pathetic, so it’s normal that many people dislike him, but his character makes sense and will probably evolve. Contrary to “Any” who basically ruined Darth Vador.
But in the end it doesn’t’ matter anymore, the prequels are all but useless obsolete now, I wonder if there will ever be a remake of episode 1 to 3.
He makes Anakin look like a calm and collected person. Ani at least don’t start smashing consoles with his lightsaber whenever something goes wrong.