Not sure, but they’re still making them, and even making reprint compilation books of the old issues. I have a lot of Sonic comics admittedly.
@Beau Skunky
Never really read the comics. But you’ve officially made big the cat my favorite character in the sonic franchise :3 interesting! Any place I can just read these comics?
Yeah, sure his fishing levels in SA1 were a bit tedious, (and not as fun as say fishing in Zelda) but as a character I find him, and his subtle humor amusing. Plus he has a unique character design for a Sonic character, and almost looks like a Miyazaki character.
Plus, he kicked butt in “Sonic Heroes.”
He was also cool in the comics.
(They don’t show it, but after that he hilariously goes, “Was that to hard?” afterwords. lol)
@Beau Skunky
I know right? I adored him in sonic adventure :3 “Froggy! Where are you?” Such a dopey character. Notice I said I liked him and not his stupid fucking fishing missions… Time consuming and will make you pull your hair out.
To be honest, “Sonic & the Secret Rings” is one of my least-favorite Sonic games. Only enjoyment I got out of it, was it’s “party” mode.
Still, other people like it, so don’t take my word for it. Just wasn’t my cup of tea. Though, I will admit some of the levels had nice abstract designs, and the way the story cinema scenes were done in a “story book” style was creative. I also like how Big the cat made “Derpy”-like cameo appearances in it, and I think Sega should make him the Sonic series’ “Derpy.”
IMO, it was one of the better 3D Sonic games, despite it’s flaws. (Like the #$%& crocodile vine chase scene…) And I thought Charmy was kinda cute & funny personally. I loved Team Chaotix.
Yeah, though I got kinda sick of “Seven Rings in Hand,” ‘cause “Secret Rings” has to play it constantly after beating every level, and such…
Also, I’m glad “Live & Learn” was included in the 3DS version of SSB.
@Beau Skunky
SONIC HEEEERRRRROOOOOSSSS!! I used to know that song by heart. I think just sonic games in general had good music. Main reason to stick with most of the games :3
Agreed, I loved the SA game’s soundtrack, even the level music, and such. (I like the 2 “Sonic 3D Blast” remixes they had too.) I like the saxaphones and such too.
To each their own… I’m not to into said ‘ships either, (or shipping in general) Still, I feel if fans are allowed to ‘ship characters with any other character regardless of age, species, gender, relation, (even incest is oddly popular with a few fans) or whatever, I don’t see why Sonic has to be the only exception. (And I’ve seen some other strange crossover ‘ships that don’t get any hate that are much odder then the Sonic ones.)
Y’know, I used to hate Shadow to, but after playing SA2 for the first time, I got over it, and got more respect for his character. I also think all the hate he gets from older Sonic fans/haters is also what made me become more tolerable of him, as I got rather sick of all the hate he gets anytime he appears.
I’ll even admit, I actually enjoyed the controversial 2005 Shadow solo game, despite it’s flaws.
@Beau Skunky
I see…either way, it’s stupid. I hate Shadow and don’t think shipping MLP with Sonic is a good idea. I did read some dumb MLP x Sonic fanfic, but the Sonic characters had nothing to do with it being bad.