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Or even other dead raiders.
“BLOOD STAIN IS DEAD NOOOO I LOVED HIM LIKE A BROTHER…Well let’s hurry up and cook him up before he goes bad. He’d do the same for us.”
Maybe they’re the dead guards etc?
A corpse doesn’t get cold that fast. ‘Sides, even if he physically carried her, he’d notice that she’s still warm only if he was pretty keen. Why? When he’d have first picked her up, she’d be warm even if she was dead, since - like I said - corpses don’t get cold so quickly after death. So he’d have to notice her still being warm after a while, but he’d be accustomed to the warmth from when he first picked her up. So accustomed that it’d be like the sensation of your own feet/hooves touching the ground: Background sensations. You feel them, but you don’t pay attention to them at all, because you’re used to them.
In other words, even if he wasn’t a unicorn, there’s a low chance for him to notice that she’s still warm.
I would have said perception as it is to do with the 5 senses, namingly smell, but that’s me.
People who want to see this OC’s trademark rape scene? Duh.
What kind of fucking assholes are posting these calls?
Some people in the stream and I figured it would be agility because sneak is under agility. Suppressing a sneeze seems like it would be sneak related.
I just go Kirby-Style and keep it in.
Then inhale some villagers and gain their powers, but that’s for another story.
well you can suppress a sneeze with some physical skill that does not take strength so ye.
btw pressing your tongue hard into the roof of your mouth and squeezing the top part of the nose helps.
It should be Endurance, if anything.
what these raiders seems as stupid any other raiders in fallout bet an alpha deathclaw could pop out and they’ll still think they have a chance fighting it with only a switch blade.
especialy cuase they jsut so happen to have a pile of em for some rason
Yeah, really, it’s like they want her to be killed.
But given MarsMiner usual audience, it wouldn’t surprise me if they did.