Here, found this after a quick look for something for reference to do a cat version of Adagio. >>798653
It’s a bit questionable, (anthro cat-girl Sonata in the middle of the page) I will warn you, but there’s an Adagio cat on the lower left of the page there.
Sounds good to me! Sunset might also bring the rest of the pony Mane Six through the portal, although that might get too complicated.
Sunset tries to reason with Midnight while Adagio tries to get Midnight to take revenge on all of the Rainbooms. After much deliberation Midnight goes with the good guys and The Dazzlings get angry.
Only thing I can think of, is if Midnight zaps Sunset, making her vanish. (Reappearing in Ponyville as her unicorn self and going to a surprised Twilight for help to return).
After that, the Dazzlings may be after revenge on all the Rainbooms. Midnight may have only been interested in payback against Sunset for showing her up. This puts a rift between the antagonists.
Not sure if that’d be workable, or if someone else has a better idea.
I think I will also attempt to draw Fluffio Catzle.
All these ideas sound amazing from the sustained note wave attack to Sour Sweet shooting the pendants with her bow! Also the Sci-Twi betrayal sounds brilliant! And the Friendship Lesson is sorted out now too.
Adagio and Aria look so annoyed in that picture. XD
It’s going to be hard to think of a defeat though,
since they’re practically unstoppable now. The Rainbooms may have to get outside help for this one!
And I just thought; if it is a case of awakening the power within through their learning to sing, they could probably do a weaker version of that “sustained note wave attack” thing they did as sirens at the end of RR. That way, they have yet another weapon to protect themselves when in human form.
Actually, there have been some drawings of Adagio as a kitty cat. Not fluffy enough, I fear. But there’s:
There’s a couple others, but they’re slightly…less savory; can’t be posted here.
Okay, Sci Twi only needs to help the Dazzlings at the start. Them going to Crystal Prep doesn’t need assistance. I’m also having the idea of, say, Soursweet using her bow to shoot off the Dazzling’s pendants whilst they’re on stage, and the sirens looking momentarily horrified. Then have them break out with the “Welcome to the Show” reprise, to the shock of the gathered cast.
Another idea I having Sci Twi saying she may be able to stop them if she can get enough magic from The Rainbooms. Gathers magic, then goes after the Dazzlings, only to reveal she’s on the side of the Sirens all along, using that magic to become Midnight Sparkle again.
How to beat them at that point? Not decided. Open to suggestions, but that reveal just sounds too awesome to abandon, at least to me.
Now I want to see Adagio as an exceptionally puffy purring kitten! XD
Would love to see some Midnight-ified Dazzlings, surprised it hasn’t been attempted yet.
There’s only one problem with the Sci-Twi idea. I’ve seen Friendship Games and at the end (you both probably know this, but if you don’t it’s a major spoiler) Sci-Twi transfers to Canterlot High. Obviously, an attempt by Hasbro to stop Crystal Prep being featured in future installments and to put Sci-Twi at the center of the EQG franchise. I did think of a way to solve this though, Sci Twi could come back to Crystal Prep to visit the Shadowbolt girls for a reunion to see if they are learning about friendship, cue drama with The Dazzlings.
I’ll admit, now that you’ve pointed that out there are many problems with that idea so I’ll scrap it. Plus, the idea of the hard graft they went through to learn how to sing properly does, as you said make their victory all the more triumphant. I was just throwing out as many ideas as I could so we could all separate the wheat from the chaff. :)
It looks like we’ve got a really good foundation for a plot. All we need is the ending and how/if The Dazzlings will be defeated.
I’m inclined to agree on the singing part. I’ll get the first page done, but where the story goes from there I’m not sure.
So far, we’ve decided the Dazzlings return. They can sing competently without the need for their pendants.
May go with BlazingDazzlingDusk’s idea of having pendants, purely as decoys.
We know they’re going to Crystal Prep, (they’re known at Canterlot High).
May even use BlazingDazzlingDusk’s unfinished story to bulk out, but obviously this is going to be set after Friendship Games.
Where to from there? Who knows. However, I am getting a vision of the Sirens and Midnight Sparkle together at the end. Don’t know if that could be incorporated.
Aria does seem to be the most likely of the three to smell a manipulator a mile away, being as cautious as she is. It wouldn’t be THAT hard to manipulate Adagio; offer her enough help, stroke her ego enough, and she’ll be purring like an exceptionally puffy kitten eventually. Sonata? Do I even need to say how easy it would be to trick her? Aria isn’t so easily fooled. Maybe she’d see the obvious, that maybe the red and black centaur monster with devil horns and a obviously evil manner of speech–I dunno, maybe he might not be trustworthy? But what can she do? If both Adagio and Sonata trust/think they can use him, why would they listen to her seemingly paranoid fears?
Cue the Dazzlings being Midnight-ified. Oooh, now THAT would be interesting…fan-artists, to your canvases!
Me personally, I think the Sci-Twi route would result in a stronger performance for them as villains (expertly manipulating everyone around them yet again to their own profit) and best part is, because the magic is now irrevocably tied to themselves instead of their pendants, it’s all but guaranteed they would be a recurring menace.
The Tirek route would seem kinda cheap, since they would be acting as strong antagonists, but everything they accomplish would be rendered moot, because you know they’ll be stabbed in the back and have their power stolen away yet again, and this time in an arguably even more humiliating manner than last time.
I have just one problem with your idea below, BlazingDazzlingDusk. With my idea, the whole point was, they spent the time to learn how to sing, and it’s through them putting in the effort to learn to sing that they earned getting their power back with no strings attached. If the spectrometer (is that really what it’s called? Haven’t seen the movie so just curious) just gives them the ability to sing without their pendants–well, they just traded one magical tool that allows them to sing with another.
Can’t wait to see the first page!
Interesting idea about Discord, I forgot about him. If it was him would it be human world Discord or reformed pony world Discord?
I came up with another idea for what happens with the magic capture device.
Adagio holds out the spectrometre and all of the Dazzlings place their shards in at the same time. The spectrometre shines with a blinding light. Aria gasps and Sonata screams as the light shoots out towards Adagio, then from her towards Aria and Sonata. There is a blinding flash and Adagio drops the spectrometre to the floor. When the light clears the Dazzlings realise they can now sing well without their pendants ( IHateThatHedgehog’s idea). They look down at the ground and see that the shards have formed into three new cutie mark shaped pendants. The Dazzlings decide to wear them so they can fool everyone into believing that the magic still comes from their pendants.
Forgot to say, my main reason for going with Sci-Twi was motive. It’s possible she felt shown up after Friendship Games, and wanted revenge. (Still need to watch the film).
Well, there’s some great ideas floating around here. I can easily do that first page now, as I explained earlier. However, could do the hand covered that’s passing over the capture device, thereby leaving everyone in the dark as to who the main mastermind is. (Not decided myself yet, although there’s been no mention of Discord as an option here yet).
Here are my ideas depending on whether the story goes the Sci Twi or Tirek route.
If the story goes the Sci Twi route:
Adagio could convince Sci Twi to show them her laboratory saying “That’s what friends do” and Sci-Twi shows the Dazzlings her old spectrometre. They notice the pictures of them on Sci-Twi’s wall and hastily try to get her to end the tour so she doesn’t make any links between them and the pictures. Adagio asks Sci-Twi if she can borrow the spectrometre but Twi is hesitant. Adagio reiterates that she is her “friend” and she can “trust” her. Sci-Twi hands over the device and The Dazzlings after rushed goodbyes make a hasty retreat. Sci-Twi worries if she did the the right thing but decides that they were soooo nice and soooo understanding that she can trust them (much like how the Dazzlings manipulated Trixie in RR). The Dazzlings go round to the back of the school. Adagio places the shards of her pendant into the spectrometre and they form into the shape of a diamond and treble clef. Aria and Sonata do the same and they all grin.
If the story goes the Tirek route:
The Dazzlings are hanging around a dark alley when a mysterious hooded figure approaches them. He offers them their powers back and more. Adagio isn’t convinced but after massaging all their egos they agree. Tirek makes Adagio think she is leader when in fact he has been using them all along. Aria is the only one to realise this.
The idea of the big reveal sounds great, especially the evil laugh at the end. I imagine it would sound something like the one at the end of ‘Under Our Spell’.
I would love to see you make it into a comic!
Also, the idea of Lemon Zest being the one to warn the Mane Seven sounds good too and it would give her some much needed development.
Thank you for your feedback and thank you for reading. Of course! I’m more than happy to let you use any ideas you want from the script.
The Dazzlings could hypnotise her into being their slave but they could also give her instructions to act normally in front of her friends. Soon, the other characters begin to notice the occassional flashes of green in her eyes (Just like Celestia and Luna in RR) and they realise something is up.
Good thinking about Tirek! If it was him manipulating them, I have a feeling Aria would be the one to realise that they are being used. Adagio is smart, but she does have the tendency to get so wrapped up in drama and evil plans that she doesn’t care about much else, whereas Aria seems to be the most cautious and level headed of the trio.
Thank you for reading and thank you for your feedback.
I couldn’t think what to write after Adagio lays down the law to Cinch. The most likely scenarios were that she’d probably expel them on the spot or realise they weren’t normal girls and decide to put up with them. Or most likely, the Dazzlings attempt to sing their way out of trouble.
I agree that Cinch is underrated, I was initially not a fan of her since it seemed like she was taking screentime away from the Shadow Five but she has grown on me more and more. I just love her voice and ‘Unleash The Magic’ is one of my favourite songs.
Okay, so, after taking a quick peek down at the new comments, here’s what I’m thinking.
While it would be interesting to hint at it being Sci-Twi who’s behind it all, I’m not so sure it should actually be her. It’d be more likely if it actually was her that she was tricked in some way by the Dazzlings to help restore their power, unaware she’s helping a trio of conquerors until it’s too late. That way, it makes for a friendship lesson of sorts for the up and coming Twilight; to not trust strangers, and to watch out for when “new friends” aren’t just exploiting you for their own ends. Then have this lesson delivered to Sunset to make it clear her position as “Princess” of this world, to bring it full circle.
If it wasn’t her…well, that’s tricky. You could make another villain, I guess–another miscreant banished by the criminally-irresponsible Starswirl, I’d wager. If you used an established character–who? Tirek seems the most likely to manipulate someone than stab them in the back, but how did he get past the castle’s security into the mirror? Why the mirror? He seems to be the most likely to be able to manipulate a trio of manipulators like the Dazzlings. Oh! I got it! Maybe one of the wormholes Midnight Sparkle opened was in Tartarus, allowing Tirek to once again escape his prison?
I concur with 40kponyguy about the script–shows promise, but also not a lot actually happens. If anything, it stops precisely at the point where it looked like something was about to happen. It did remind me that something should probably be done with Cinch, since I personally liked her design and felt there was room for expansion on her role/character beyond “the jerk principal obsessed with rrrreputation.” Although that is part of why I like her; finally, a princess-like character who’s a flat-out jerk! (Don’t mention Chrysalis; she’s a queen, not a princess.)
First off, I’ll put an apology to hijacking the comments section here for this bunch of ideas.
Now, I still need to watch Friendship Games, but the idea I have at the moment is doing a comic page (I’m seriously thinking of doing this, just need to make sure it doesn’t conflict with the canon films). Starting with a conversation, no reveal on who’s actually talking. Say, top down looking at the table where the deal’s taking place.
“So… We have a deal then?” (from one side of the table)
“Indeed. But how?”
“I have a means to help you regain your power” (purple hand pushes an item across the table).
Tawny coloured hand picks up the item. The magic capture device from Friendship Games, still holding some charge.
Zoom back to show the Dazzlings, and Adagio laughing.
(Think that may get some attention? As for who’d go to get Sunset and Co from Canterlot High… Lemon Zest. Has her headphones, same as Vinyl Scratch, so doesn’t hear the Dazzling’s songs).
Had a read through. Has potential, but, as you stated, not much happening yet. Could even hijack the ideas flying around here to build on perhaps? I’ve got my own comic to deal with, but I do want to be doing something else in between.
The Dazzlings saunter down the hallway towards the Matron’s office.
Aria: Ugh…That was awful, why didn’t you let us sing to her, Adagio?
Adagio: I have a feeling she wouldn’t have been as easy to serenade as our previous victims, especially when we aren’t at our full power.
The other students in uniform walking down the hallway are looking at the Dazzlings strangely.
Sonata: Guys, why are they staring at us?
Aria: Don’t know, Don’t care.
Adagio: Ignore them, hold your head high, you are a Dazzling, or at least you’re supposed to be.
Eventually they find the Matron’s office.
Adagio: Follow my lead, girls!
Adagio knocks sharply on the door, the door is opened by Matron Snowheart.
Matron Snowheart: You must be the new girls the principal emailed me about. What are you waiting for, come in.
The three girls slowly sashay into the room. Adagio first, Aria next and Sonata last.
Adagio: Why, hello there.
Aria: Hmmph.
Sonata: Hiya!
Matron Snowheart: Well, my job is to set you up with your new uniforms. So here they are.
The Dazzlings can only look on in horror as Matron Snowheart gestures towards three identical Maroon uniforms.
Adagio: S-so let me get this straight, the students weren’t wearing those of their own free will?!
Matron Snowheart: We have a very strict dress code here at Crystal Prep. You will all have to get haircuts or at the very least get your hair under control. I abide by the rules, so, so can you.
Matron Snowheart rudely thrusts the uniforms at the horrified girls.
Matron Snowheart: Late dinner is at 6pm, you should go and get changed, the dormitories are upstairs. My door is always open.
The Dazzlings walk out of the room in stunned silence, and Matron Snowheart slams the door.
The trio were speechless. Adagio was the first to catch her breath.
Adagio: U-Uniforms?! W-what kind of torture do they have in this world?
Aria: This is THE WORST!
Sonata: Nuh-uh, Aria, this is WORSER than the WORST!
The girls trudge up the many stairs to the dormitories. They enter the dormitory and are absolutely flabbergasted when they see the many beds in rows lined up next to eachother. They walk over to their assigned beds, which are all next to eachother. The room is empty as the other students are all at early tea.
Aria: So not only do I have to sleep next to you two, we have to sleep with a bunch of other weirdos too?!
Sonata: D’aww these beds are kinda cute.
Adagio sits down on her bed and massages her temples but looks up when she sees Aria and Sonata going over to the changing rooms.
Adagio: What are you doing, you fools? Ohh…don’t tell me you’re even thinking about trying on those monstrosities?!
Aria: This was your plan, Adagio. We have to fit in or we’ll be expelled before we get a chance to sing.
Aria and Sonata go into the changing rooms.
Adagio lies down on the bed and clenching her fists holds an arm to her forehead.
Adagio: (Heavy sigh) Will those two idiots ever have a mind of their own? Weaklings. “Fit in”, after all I’ve done for them, after all I’ve taught them…
She closes her eyes and prepares herself for a much needed moment of quiet contemplation. Unfortunately it doesn’t last long.
Sonata: Hi Dagi!
Adagio immediately opens her eyes and sits up.
Adagio: Are you trying to give me a heart attack, you halfw-What have you two done to yourselves?!
Sonata is wearing her uniform, her ponytail is carefully wrapped into a tight bun.
Aria following closely behind has her hair in plaits adorned with star hair clips but has taken more liberties with the uniform than Sonata, her tie is looser and her socks are falling down.
Adagio is furious
Adagio: Not only have you disobeyed me, you have completely abandoned your true selves!
Aria: For crying out loud, Adagio stop being such a drama queen. It’s just a uniform and a change of hairstyle. I don’t like it, but we have to do it!
Adagio draws herself up close to Aria to try to intimidate her.
Adagio: Just a uniform? JUST A UNIFORM?! Don’t you see?! This is all part of a conspiracy to make people forget who they really are!
Aria refusing to be intimidated by Adagio pushes her away.
Aria: Aww… poor widdle Dagi Wagi is too scaredy-waredy to put on her uni-wooni-form!
Adagio is shocked at Aria’s words and hisses at her. Gathering what little dignity she can muster and looking haughtier than ever she strides over to the changing rooms and slams the door.
Aria: Heh-heh. She is just too easy to wind up.
Sonata: But Adagio’s not a toy, Aria!
Aria: You’re the worst, Sonata!
Sonata: No, you are!
Aria and Sonata keep bickering until the changing room door is flung open, Aria and Sonata look on in shock as Adagio slowly strides out and tosses her hair.
Adagio has taken a LOT of liberties with the uniform. Her hair isn’t tied back, she is still wearing her hairband, her tie is completely undone and she is still wearing her fingerless gloves, spiky belt, light purple patterned leggings and spiky boots.
Aria: You look awful, just because you can’t sacrifice your stupid pride.
Sonata: You are soooo gonna get in trouble, Dagi!
Adagio grinds her teeth and starts to walk over to the door.
Adagio: It’s 6pm, let’s go girls.
Aria: What? You’re actually serious about wearing all that?!
Adagio slowly turns round and gives Aria a piercing, cold stare.
Adagio: Don’t make me angry, Aria, I have been more than patient with you today.
The look that Adagio gives Aria freaks her out and she becomes grumpy and withdrawn again.
The scene fades out as The Dazzlings leave the dormitory.
End of Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene opens with a view of the school Cafeteria, it is refined but it is self service. It is very cliquey with everyone keeping with their own pack. There is hardly anyone there as most of the students had their dinner at 5pm. Most of the people left are the staff including Principal Cinch.
Suddenly, Adagio flings the door open with both hands and saunters into the room, with Aria and Sonata following closely behind.
Aria: (whispering) So are we gonna sing or what?
Adagio: No, there aren’t enough people here, it wouldn’t be worth it, we’ll save the goods for tomorrow.
Everyone in the cafeteria is staring at them and whispering.
Principal Cinch takes off her glasses and rubs them with a cloth and puts them back on, blinking in surprise at Adagio’s garish appearance. Cinch recovers and stands up from where she is sitting.
Principal Cinch: Excuse me for a moment.
Principal Cinch makes her way over to the Dazzlings.
Principal Cinch: Miss Dazzle, WHAT is the meaning of this?
Adagio looks away bored.
Adagio: Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.
Principal Cinch: Miss Dazzle, kindly look at me when I address you. I said, what is the MEANING of the desecration of the school uniform?
Adagio slowly turns to face Cinch, with a grin that looks like a supressed snarl.
Adagio: Why, it’s called individuality, Miss Cinch. Something that your school doesn’t seem to know much about. Quite surprising really, considering Crystal Prep’s….reputation.
Adagio puts emphasis on the last word. She reaches her hand out and forces Cinch’s chin upwards with a flick of her finger.
Aria groans and hides her face in her hands. She is very embarrassed.