@Background Pony #06D4
You’re missing Dave Polsky, SatanHitler 2011. Also, Tedly’s a special case in that he acquired his title mostly for what he wrote on his personal blog, rather than for official outlets. (And I’d argue he partially deserves that title, though that’s a matter of opinion perhaps unsuited for this comment section.)
And here we go ,fandom.You elected your new SatanHitler 2015 ,a guy that wrote one episode you didnt like and now you’re biased against everything he’s going to write for now on.Except another “Bats” situation where one episode is going to be credited to the wrong person then correctly attributed to Dusdeau and people doing 180 because “muh Princess Spike”
Previous recipient of SatanHitler include
Merriwether Williams :SatanHitler 2012
Meghan Mac Carthy:SatanHitler 2013
Ted Anderson:SatanHitler 2014 (with special mention Tumblr boogeyman)
and now Neal Dusedau :SatanHitler 2015
Which professional writers will be demonized in 2016 for not rolling over to the fandom ,which staff member will be designated as “ unperson unfeelbelly Internetpopwisdom”
Tune in next year in Internet Entitlment Show,the show that never take a rest and take everything seriously (brought to you by 4Chan and HorseNews
Color me impressed. I was sure there’d be some comments along the lines of “death threats don’t mean anything on the internet” or “you can’t dismiss their criticism just because they’re being a jerk”, but it’s actually been reasonable here so far.
This fandom has had Steven Universe drama since the time when Steven Universe was an unformed pitch in the head of an Adventure Time writer.
Yeah, some bronies would have gone absolutely nuclear if MLP had done anything like what “Gravity Falls” did with the “Duck-tective” “season finale”.
I think you meant writer in this instance. As for how he is responding… Eh. To be frank it doesn’t really affect him in anyway. Sure. There is a chance that more people will try “ganging up” on him, but this guy is an adult. An adult who clearly doesn’t care about the harassment he gets because he is above that sort of tripe. He is sent a death threat. Whoopy doo. It isn’t like any of those loons will follow up on it, and even if they try then they will only end up getting themselves arrested. Because murder is kinda very much illegal. There is no winning scenario for these kinds of people so why give them that false belief that they have power over anybody?
Reminder that the SU thing was more of a Tumblr problem than a fandom one; it came about because the artist was drawing a fat character as not as fat as usual. They called it fat-shaming and thought that warranted driving someone to attempt suicide. Very par for the course for Tumblr, I would say, probably not for the group of people who happen to enjoy that cartoon with the main character named Steven in it (note that I am not even part of this group). Don’t stereotype fandoms kids, prejudice based on factors as irrelevant as that is just plain dumb. You’re Bronies, of all people, you should know this by now… Or are you a pedophile horse-fucker misogynist? I’m only two out of the three.
On a more related note, this artist is adding fuel to the fire, which is not likely to help him. He probably shouldn’t be doing this. I am not saying that to disparage him, or legitimize any threats he may have received, but more as a warning; I feel that he would almost certainly be better off in the long run if he just blocked or ignored these people. It would also be advisable to not lump them in with people that are just giving him criticism… That just makes him look bad.
@Casual Brony
Some fans bullied a fan artist over a image she made to the point she attempted suicide(she’s fine now) and the SU staff even called them out for it, it was like 6-7 or so people and about 4 got arrested.
Yes, I agree. Spike had a spot on character for this episode. And yes, main focus has always seemed to be a troublesome issue for the character (oddly enough I just remembered that the last review Silver Quill did was on the “Princess Spike” episode, and discussed that exact issue).
Still, there’s always hope for the future. He’s a great support character, and I believe he’ll get his moment one of these days.
@Dax Rattler
If attempted suicide caused by extreme levels of bullying that led to the arrest of several teenagers only hits a “pretty mild” in the drama blip, I am afraid of what you think of as “some really heavy sh*t” O__O
@Background Pony #1AD3
Thing about Spike is that he’s not a character that should be used as a main focus, his personality and the way his character has been built up previously makes it obvious. He’s better off as that character in the corner who gives witty comments every once in a while. Which is why he was wrote a lot better in this episode. Princess Spike had him as a main focus which didn’t help with Neal’s first episode on MLP’s cast.
It sucks because I love Spike and kinda want him as the main focus but it’s not easily done, espically with a rookie/guest. Spike never felt like the main focus but was always in the episode on the side for when his commentary was needed and that’s what made him so great.
I think you might be getting too worked up about this. Steven Universe has a news blog site like MLP. Is that really shocking? Shows had fansites dedicated to them for years. Way before either of these cartoons were made. Heck, I still remember that before the days of dA, tumblr, and social media in general, people had websites or “shrines” dedicated to their favorite characters or ships. Oh god… I feel old for just saying that…
@Dax Rattler
Some people don’t like “What About Discord” for various reasons, and have been vocal about it on Twitter. And he wrote it, so those “complaints” (i.e., threats) go to him.
Also since he also wrote “Princess Spike” I’m sure he’s had his share of people insulting his writing, because as we all know Spike has never been in an episode people didn’t like prior to that at all.