@Millennial Dan
Actually, I was talking about Hope showing up on the side of the villains. For Celestia, who had not seen Radiant Hope in over a thousand and probably thought she was dead (and with good reason), it would be shocking to say the least.
Probably hits her in that same sore spot she has when it comes to Nightmare Moon and Sunset Shimmer.
I’d note, Sombra is fighting Celestia alone. Last time he took on Luna and Celestia together.
Celestia has also just traveled all the way from Canterlot in a very short space of time, and was not prepared to be fighting a evil overlord when she was writing up her schedule for that morning.
@Background Pony #D150
In the show, he lost to the royal sisters with the Crystal Heart in his possession. Here, he defeated them both without it. Questionable.
Heh, I like that Luna is thrashing Chrysalis silly. Nice to see Luna get some victories to her name, and Chrysalis is so smug that her getting beaten up is always amusing.