2018 Derpibooru Community Collab


English one is not that much different (except for capital letters, they are quite strange in some places).
English one is not that much different (except for capital letters, they are quite strange in some places).

I know, it’s not even funny, nor is it ever going to be. Comic sans was actually an intelligent ideal, intelligent, unlike the people who gawk at it.
My brain is actually pleased how the individual letters have there own offset and size variation.
I know, it’s not even funny, nor is it ever going to be. Comic sans was actually an intelligent ideal, intelligent, unlike the people who gawk at it.
My brain is actually pleased how the individual letters have there own offset and size variation.


NLR Papa
I don’t like Comic Sans, but because I just don’t find it aesthetically pleasant, the thing is, a lot of people confuses “I don’t like” with “it’s horrible and shouldn’t exist”.

Моцна п'яны 

Беларускі Поні
Perhaps, but this is a debate has gone on for nearly a decade. Much longer than I’ve ever debated.


It’s 6AM, and I’m still not sleeping. What’s wrong.
You guys and that site here had really awaken an artist in me.
You guys and that site here had really awaken an artist in me.


My brain is actually pleased how the individual letters have there own offset and size variation
CS is specifically recommended for several neurological disorders including dyslexia and some kinds of autism, because the way the letters are shaped makes them easier to process as distinct from other similarly-shaped letters.
My brain is actually pleased how the individual letters have there own offset and size variation
CS is specifically recommended for several neurological disorders including dyslexia and some kinds of autism, because the way the letters are shaped makes them easier to process as distinct from other similarly-shaped letters.

Yep. Sometimes my screen wobbles and warps, and lightbulbs look like they’re on fire. Sometimes words and letters change and move to the correct position only when i stare closely. Lots of times in the dark my brain just makes shit up.
No good diagnosis, they assume bipolar ‘with phychotic features’ because i respond well to a neuroleptic called depakote.
Comic sans is profoundly static.
Yep. Sometimes my screen wobbles and warps, and lightbulbs look like they’re on fire. Sometimes words and letters change and move to the correct position only when i stare closely. Lots of times in the dark my brain just makes shit up.
No good diagnosis, they assume bipolar ‘with phychotic features’ because i respond well to a neuroleptic called depakote.
Comic sans is profoundly static.


![Thread Starter - [NO SPOILER, LEAK-FREE] Season 8 Discussion and Speculation: Discovery Family airings Thread Starter - [NO SPOILER, LEAK-FREE] Season 8 Discussion and Speculation: Discovery Family airings](https://derpicdn.net/badges/2017/7/2/0bd59d4eff9c3aeaad.svg)

Senior Moderator
Undead inside
I have dyslexia and I don’t always realize when I misread things.


Tired Artist
Also wow this threads derailed a bit, hasn’t it?
Not like it matters, I guess, we’re just waiting on Joey at this point.![full]()
Also wow this threads derailed a bit, hasn’t it?
Not like it matters, I guess, we’re just waiting on Joey at this point.

Creepa-Bot Inc. 

Yea, I’ve been wondering, how do we know when the collab’s been uploaded? Like, will there be a notification or something?


Sleep isn't real.
@Creepa-Bot Inc.
The featured image. Unless your sidebar is off, it’s an image that is featured on the main page for about 3 days.
The featured image. Unless your sidebar is off, it’s an image that is featured on the main page for about 3 days.

Creepa-Bot Inc. 

But I don’t go on the main page that often. So could Joey make a notification? That’d be helpful.
But I don’t go on the main page that often. So could Joey make a notification? That’d be helpful.


will return
did you konw it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are and the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are at the rghit pclae? the rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. aslo sikpe is bset pnoy.
did you konw it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are and the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are at the rghit pclae? the rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. aslo sikpe is bset pnoy.


Sleep isn't real.
@Creepa-Bot Inc.
If this also helps, watch the Derpibooru Community Collab Tag as I am sure it will be tagged with it.
If this also helps, watch the Derpibooru Community Collab Tag as I am sure it will be tagged with it.

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