SAD ALERT!!! This short story involves one of Candy Heart’s now regular patient’s first conversation with her. It involves child abuse, so you have now been warned.
Candy: Come on in Thunder Mane.
Thunder Mane gloomy enters the room
Thunder: Where’s Miss Sunny?
Candy: She asked me to talk to you today, she thought it would help you open up more if you saw a fresh face.
Thunder: looks around frantically D-do my parents know about this?
Candy: They know you have a session today, but not that it’s with me. Miss Sunny is really worried for you, Thunder.
Thunder: …why would she be? Mommy and Daddy say she only talks to me to make money!
Candy: Oh heavens no! I’ve known Miss Sunny since we were fillies in school, and I can assure you that she and I do this to make ponies smile and be happy.
Candy: Also, Miss Sunny did tell me that you may have concerns. I’m willing to listen if you need to talk to someone, I’m here for today only.
Thunder:…starts crying Y-you promise you won’t tell?
Candy: Promise.
Thunder: …M-Mommy and Daddy hate me! Because I’m not an Earth Pony, they say I’ll never be able to pull my own weight!
Candy: …
Thunder: I-if I could be an Earth pony, I would be! I can’t help that I have wings. B-but when I say that to mommy or daddy, they just get angrier and really scary.
Candy: What do you mean by scary?
Thunder: They yell and throw my things and-and- lifts wing to show a bruise
Candy: walks over …did they do that?
Thunder: nods T-they said it wouldn’t happen again though…
Candy: Thunder…do you feel safe with them?
Thunder: shakes head
Candy: …do you want Miss Sunny and I to help you feel safe?
Thunder: …
Candy: You can’t guarantee that this won’t happen again. Please, let us help protect you.
Thunder: …nods
Candy: Alright, let’s go for a walk.
After this point, Candy takes Thunder Mane to see Miss Sunny, who reports the abuse to the local authorities. Thunder was going to be sent to foster care, until Miss Sunny offered to adopt her. She is now one of Candy’s regular patients and sometimes helps out around the office.