Artist note:
“Before I go any further I want to thank everyone who joined me last night for the final dress rehearsal before my official launch next Sunday link
If one was to look at some of my more recent posting you might lead to believe that the dream realm is just one big nightmare factory (
Applebloom slayer of nightmares,
There’s a storm a brewing). However that is only part of the picture, there are beings and locations in the realm that are positively breathtaking.
This is a sketch I did last night during the stream of Applebloom flying through the dream realm with a small flock of Dream Doves circling around her. Now Dream Doves art some of the most gentle creatures one can encounter. However they can be skittish when they first meet you and will often flee until they trust you; it is to note that sneaky suits will not make getting closer to them any easier at first.
Wrong gear for the mission. But once you gain their trust they gladly fly alongside you and keep you company.”