@Prometheus labs CEO
Which sounds great, until you realize that the people who control it will start calling people “dictators” and “terrorists” who really aren’t, before long.
What we really need are solar power high energy laser mounted on satellites with extremely precise targeting systems. Then you can play a game of where’s the dictator
“Where’s Kim jong-un, there he is! *presses the button”
I’ve seen Fallout described that way; post-apocalyptic is usually more about sifting through the dust and ashes and trying to scrabble out an existence, whereas in Fallout there are already cities, trade, and routine living.
Reminds me of something I saw that described something about a movie (I don’t remember what it was) being “more post apocalyptic than post-apocalyptic”. Though that probably doesn’t actually mean anything…
That’s when things start getting fun
“Oh look it’s David, the guy who lets his dog crap on my lawn, TERRORIST!! slams fist on button”
Which sounds great, until you realize that the people who control it will start calling people “dictators” and “terrorists” who really aren’t, before long.
“Where’s Kim jong-un, there he is! *presses the button”
I’ve seen Fallout described that way; post-apocalyptic is usually more about sifting through the dust and ashes and trying to scrabble out an existence, whereas in Fallout there are already cities, trade, and routine living.
probably a ’70s concept drawing.
It definitely looks like it, but I still don’t know where it came from. I’d kinda like to see more stuff from that artist.
It’s an ABM(anti-balistic missle) laser platform concept drawing. I think.
I dunno. Just a google result for “Directed Energy Weapon”. Link in source.
Is it Missile Command HD or something?
Oh well I bet it really wont matter.
(uses Pinkie as a microwave gun)