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myan :3
I dont see why not! But first what is yiffing ?
I dont see why not! But first what is yiffing ?
>Conflating memes with weird fandom terminology
>4chan arrows
But seriously, the term was always stupid and cringeworthy and has been generally regarded as such for years by the majority of furs. The community that created the word has widely abandoned it out of shame, even entire websites. YiffStAr became SoFurry entirely because its not the late 90’s/early 00’s.
>50 years after the Robo-Holocaust
>thinking anything made by puny humans still matters.
I mean come on fellow members of the Cyber-singularity!
Oh wait, wrong time continuum
It’s in character. Probably going to use it as an invitation for lewd asks, given that the OC is designed for that sort of thing.
It’s 2015, you’d think people would know better by now.
Ugh, absolutely, besides I think the table should be flipped of the original comment. It is 2015, how do you not know what Yiff means by now implying the creator of the OC is an adult.
Same with bronies.
>still making stupid jokes about “fluttertree”, “scootachicken”, etc
What makes me curious is how you’re taking the OP note literally; imagine the character asking that instead, and your curiosity should be satisfied.
That would have been better admittedly, but I suppose I am just straight to the point. Now what makes me curious is how the OP did not know this yet still decided to upload it.
I was gonna say What does my gf have anything to do with it? xD
Gotta problem with that?
>Still using the term “yiff”
Crap, I meant Yiff.