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Originally posted on: April 20, 2021, 12:41 AM UTC
MLP AU Redesign: Queen Celestia
“My faithful student”
**Name: **Queen Celestial Sun of Equestria
Nicknames: **Celestia, Tia, Queen, Sister (by Luna), Celery (by Discord), Sun Butt (by Discord)
**Age: **Estimated 50,000 years though she never tells anyone
Species: **Alicorn (represents unicorns)
**Build: Slender and Tall
Special Talent: **Raising the Sun
Spouse: **Lord Discord
Offspring: Prince Chaos, Prince Solar Eclipse
Occupation:**** **Ruler of Equestria, Mentor
**Residents: **Canterlot Castle
** Celestia was originally born a unicorn, hence why she has more unicorn like features as an Alicorn. **Tia along with Discord, Luna, and Sombra, lived in a forest with there parents. They would always run around and play tag with each other until one day, a huge meteor struck on earth killing there parents. Celestia had to learn to grow up fast to help her and the others survive alone. (Discord was too childish, Sombra was to reckless and stubborn, and Luna was too young to fend for themselves) After a few hundred years (both Discord and Sombra were banished which i will get into once i do them), Tia had establish a society. Since she had to do all the rough work of taking care of her ponies she never had time to cater to Luna. Soon Luna became Nightmare Moon and got banished (Tia seems to really love banishing ponies instead of working it out). After a few thousand years, Tia started mentoring young unicorns to see who would be the best candidate to become the new ruler. She then would find Twilight and teacher her the power of friendship so she doesn’t turn out to be just like Celestia and actually learn to reform ponies instead of banishing them. The rest is history.
- Tia is a huge foodie and loves eating sweets
- She enjoys annoying and bothering her sister from time to time
- She is a Gemini
- She doesn’t like to act formal and will occasionally crack dark jokes and do stuff outside of her royal norm
- Doing pranks and causing chaos is something Tia loves to do (probably why she loves Discord so much to marry him)
- Celestia enjoys playing board games as a hobby
- She has many battle scars around her body (i was a bit lazy too draw them) Near her neck, face, legs, and flank
- Her hair was originally pink and messy. Due to the amount of banishing she has done her hair aged to a multi-colored fog-like texture
- Tia doesn’t retire in my au she rules until she dies (Alicorns are not immortal, there age is determined on the amount of magic they have left. An Alicorn starts out with millions of years worth of magic. The amount they use is based off how much they use up from banishing ponies to picking up a heavy item.)
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