After the events of the Battle of Equestria, Flurry Heart had a lot of trouble accepting the disappearance of her dear aunt Twilight, although she is still very small, the memories of this event are forever engraved in the memory of little Alicorne. Since her return to the Crystal Empire, the little princess has now found it very difficult to use her own fear magic againFortunately, the love and support of her parents Cadance and Shining Armor are of great importance to the little flurry Heart so that she can regain some confidence in her magic.
Unfortunately, this was the beginning of a very complicated era for Equestria, after several months of resistance, the royal family and the people must abandon the Crystal empire, taken by the evil troops led by a very familiar enemy. Fortunately, if the empire was lost, people narrowly avoided the catastrophe and were guided by Cadance and Shining Armor where they could reach Canterlot without too much difficulty. From now on, little Flurry Heart lives in Canterlot with her parents where she spends time with Spike, Starlight and Sunburst and even if times are difficult, she manages to have a good time. She will have the chance to be educated by Her Majesty Luna in person to explain the role of a princess, but also of Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer who will give courts suitable for her.
During those two years in Canterlot, Flurry Heart grew up and became a princess much appreciated by the subjects of the kingdom, even though the days seem long even if she spends a lot of time with her few friends, Her favorite moment is the end of the day when Flurry Heart finally finds her parents. But things are not going to be so happy, one evening she learns that her father and mother were caught in an ambush of Maleficents. His father returned to Canterlot wounded in the face without his mother kidnapped by Komodo and Dogon, since that terrible night, the attitude of Shining Armor became very hard on everyone, indeed Flurry Heart sees less and less his father and spends more time with his grandparents but also Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst. Little Flurry Heart feels lonely despite the presence of her closest friends and the absence of her mother and father does not make things better. If this war does not end, the little princess could not bear it, which could have a serious effect on her.
Three months after the abduction of her mother, Flurry Heart is suddenly awakened by her grandmother and grandfather, when she looks up at the sky, she understands very quickly that it is in relation to the stars that became the Mane 6 and Celestia, the spell finally begins to weaken. For the little princess from Alicante, it is an event that gives a little joy in her life after these complicated months without her family, especially as it also means the return of her aunt Twilight. But the arrival of visitors from the other continent will change many things for the little princess, especially with the meeting of a little black pegasus that seems very strange, maybe Flurry Heart will make new friends? But it will also be an opportunity for her to prove her worth and find a solution to fix the situation so that her family is finally reunited and happy forever. Anyway, this is the beginning of a great adventure for the Princess of the Crystal Empire.