For overseers eyes only - Vault 37:
[ Welcome, Overseer]
On behalf of Vault-Tec, welcome to the vault.
As the overseer, it is your job to take care of the needs of your fellow vault dwellers.
However… you may at this point have notised something peculiar about the inhabitants already.
That’s because this vault have been selected for an experiment.
The purpose of this vault is to figure out what will last the longest, genetically speaking.
Intelligence, or good looks.
Every male in the vault is of High inteligence, but of average looks.
While the oppisite is true for the females of the vault.
It is the hope of Vault-tech that when the day come where it is once again safe to exit the vault, that there is a perfect mix of High Intelligence and good look.
In worst case… you wont even be able to open the vault door…
As the overseer, it is part of your duty to ensure the most optimal results.
Overseers note - Vault 37:
[Testing the buttons, day 1]
Starting from left to right
1 - I can hear some gas going through the pipes when I activate this button… no clear indication yes.
Overseers note - Vault 37:
[Testing the buttons, day 24]
Left to right
1 - currently assume the gas released from this one cause those who inhale it to have their arousal raised.
2- Currently assumes this one lowers it.
3 - awaiting testing…
Overseers note - Vault 37:
[Oh no, day 31]
Button 1 stuck due to overuse…