Name: princess aurora dawn
Nickname: dawn
Gender: female
Species: alicorn
Parents: Princess Celestia and good king sombra
Sexuality: straight
Allegiance: good
Personality: aurora dawn rules the sombraverse as king sombra’s successor alongside her cousin princess penumbra. She raises the Sun while preventing the evil Luna and Celestia from crossing over to the main equestria and causing chaos. She rules with grace and humility but she secretly longs for her mother who resides in the main equestria.
Likes: chariot races
Dislikes: evil villains
Favorite food: jelly doughnuts
Favorite book: journal of the two sisters
Favorite place: main equestria
Least favorite food: asparagus
Residence: sombrsverse
Lovers: none
Pets: wolf
Talent: raising the sun