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Help fund the $15 daily operational cost of Derpibooru - support us financially!
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Late, but we like to suffer.
I believe depression is more a state of mind.
emotions are fleeting and scarce. Depression stays with you. Like an annoying cousin you can’t get rid of.
Well, depression is a feeling. It’s an awful one, but still one…
That last sentence… heart breaks
Trust me, no you don’t. I was like that for 7 whole years. I became cold, heartless and sadistic. I grew distant from my friends and my family to the point where I didn’t even care for them anymore. I no longer cared for my friends and I didn’t even love my family. It wasn’t until I cam across Ponies that I regained the ability to feel once again.
Do yourself, your friends and your family a favor. never stop feeling, NEVER. Or you’ll end up just like me. Cold, depressed and without someone to care for or tell them that you love them.
…oh, you fucker. =(
Too bad she thought I was another of her nephews (in the sense of son of her brother) who has my same name.
It wasn’t so sad when she left us. We’ve all already said goodbye to her a long time before.
Awfully sad.
f-fuck off
did not feel