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My Cannon non-crack OTP.
+-SH safe2274604 +-SH artist:grapefruitface11029 +-SH artist:imtailsthefoxfan108 +-SH micro chips1575 +-SH sci-twi32826 +-SH twilight sparkle372174 +-SH equestria girls268623 +-SH g42132842 +-SH base used35670 +-SH clothes682075 +-SH couple8485 +-SH early concept15 +-SH eyes closed148582 +-SH female1916793 +-SH glasses96105 +-SH male588778 +-SH microlight182 +-SH one eye closed49086 +-SH shading4715 +-SH shipping267930 +-SH shipping fuel2279 +-SH simple background640948 +-SH straight190724 +-SH vulgar description336 +-SH white background177867
I suppose I should say this is a parody of the ridiculous description to this image.
Yeah, i agree that that would be a better pairing, lol… well has good has a pairing can be with Timber.
He has more chemistry with Applejack, both are into camping, have a friendly competitions(like with RD), play instrument and are close to their family.
You are so right!
She’s not my waifu, but i do have a soft spot for scientists like her so it’s more of a crush but i prefer Fluttershy because she’s sensual and I know her better. And also Timber comes of has the type that would cheat and break little Sci-Twi’s heart. You don’t want Sci-Twi too have a broken heart, do you?

your current filter.So you overcompensate by trying to protect your PWECIOUS WAIFU? Yeah, that’s not insecure at all.
I’m not an insecure mess i’m a really cool person with many talents, more talents than Timber.
I’m fine, it’s just that jocks seems to be taken all the beatiful nerdy girls, or the fact that a cute girl who i thought it was going great with went sour in a matter of hours, she argerred to go on a date but then lied and then become cold and distant, things got awkward even after I treated her nicely…don’t know what she’s doing know but i don’t want to meet her again because she broke my heart. But according to hasbro all you need to be is a stupid idoit with a ugly chin to get laid and it pisses me off, it feeds the girls that are watching it that yes this is the man you wan’t to be with, fuck the nerds and go fuck some jocks. Then all the jocks will be stealing the nerdy girls. The Big Bang Theory actually is actually a nice reminder with Sheldon and Amy and Howard and Bernedate as those two pairings are a nice remender that you can still get a girl if your a bit of a social outcast. Unlike EQG were only a fit jock can get cute girls.
look it’s not Timber’s fault he’s confident and your an insecure mess.
XD This might be one of the funniest things I read today. Thank you, good sir - I needed that laugh.
I actually don’t mind Flash, with a bit of tweaking he can become Steve Lukather or somthing, i’d prefer Sci-Twi to be with him than Timber. It’s just that Timber has no talents and if he loves is sister that much then he should marry her instead. I actaully kinda repsect flash it’s just when i was writing this I was thinking about all the love islanders and Timber is like one of them. Sci-Twi should just go with Flash, because Timber is a souless shell of a man. Anway Derpy and Flash is a pretty good ship. Hasbro needs to stop pissing about and just let Sci-Twi have her way with Flash or Microchips and find a way for Timber to leave the show. Hasbro and the writers need to think about the lonley bronies and how sad we are. Also fuck that Stick bloke who’s with Maud Pie, he’s the worst… Maud Pie is obvisouly asexual and should be left for the bronies to wank over or atleast put her with Vinesauce Vinny (that’s my next OTP for Maud Pie i think they’d get along very well, unlike the Stick bloke who’s a rule 63 of Maud Pie but made into a complete asshole who broke Pinkie Pie’s feelings, that’s crinimal you don’t desrve puss if you upset Pinkie Pie.)
Vinesauce Vinny x Maud Pie should be a thing, get Vinesauce Vinny in MLP and make him have a relsonship with Maud Pie, and you can make it so that Maud Pie breaks up with Stick bloke after Stick bloke smashed a rock or somthing. Then enter Vinny and then Maud Pie falls in love agian. I should write some fan fics, i have some time.
Anyway Flash is not a normie jock, he’s a musican and aslong as his gere is Proggesrive Rock or Pop Rock in the style of the 70s-90s then i’m perfectly fine with him dating Sci-Twi.
AND FYI YOU DON’T EVEN CALL TIMBER NICE JUST THAT HE LOVES HIS SISTER SO MY POINT STILL STANDS. And again if he loves his sister that much why dosen’t he marry her instead.
Wow. Sounds like you’re speaking from a place of personal experience. You get bullied in high school? Lose out on senior prom?
Just look at him, he’s just such a jock, he’s probably the kind of guy who couldn’t tell the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek and thinks The Doctor’s name is Doctor Who. He also has no personality and is a little brainless tit who would fit in with the folks at Love Island. Sci-Twi deserves better.
I think I actually have cancer after reading this.
When has Timber ever been a “normie jock”?
Yeah, it disgusts me that a normie jock like Timber is with such a beatiful, integlent girl such as Sci-Twi. I feel like Microchips would apperciate Sci-Twi alot more.
@Avicii Forever
Thanks, mate! Maybe someday we can let Hasbro see that we need Timber to go and give Sci-Twi someone who will love her for who she is.