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Artist’s comment:
It’s been seven years.
I can’t believe the time flew by. Kids born on the day of premiere went to school this year. And seven years ago has been born the show that influenced me so much. That helped me so much.
I should really thank Lauren Faust :iconfyre-flye:. Without her Eri wouldn’t be here today. Maybe I wouldn’t be here. And it goes so much deeper. Lauren gave life to something Grand that changed this world. That was so big it began to live on it’s own. And I must emphasize I don’t mean the whole show. I highly respect the fact that she did her best to make it Grand, not be satisfied with anything small that would give profit, like Hasbro does now. I see so many details in the S1, so much more that connects it all, that makes sense to those who look beyond rough stereotypes. So much love and understanding put into it. Whoever did it, whoever supported this and tried to make it the right way - I thank you all.
I don’t know if Lauren would approve of everything I do. I want to think that she, same as me, did not want to humor the perverts and narrow-minded. I feel ashamed every time my lack of strength does not allow me to put the maximum into my artwork. Like this one, it’s a bit too simple for the words spoken. Because I follow the people who went beyond routine, who lit my fire, who lit a million fires. I’d like to be worthy of it.
So… I suppose Lauren left the project not given the appropriate freedom to continue the deep story. And the show went downhill immediately. Literally from the first episode, which I hate. So I have to assume a lot was on her. So I thank her and consider myself her follower. At least I have faith in the best in her. If this world only gets the brilliance I know of by accident, it’s a dark world indeed.
In any case, it exists. It’s before us. And it turned seven today. Happy Birthday, FiM!
Sorry for going soft ^^;