(post drawn by guest artist Vee.)
Emerald asks what Vanhoover is like.
“Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a land where it never rained. This was east of Vanhoover. Vanhoover isn’t anything like that at all. It has a big clock, very big clock, right in the middle! A very cosy place indeed.
Emerald asks what kind of special magic a witch does as opposed to a mage or wizard, and if witches deal with demons.
“We specialize in non-practical kinds, like soul enchantment and impractical catalysts, along with potions! Why, a talented witch can use anything as a catalyst, though it takes years of practice. Or you get really lucky. Ha! Very lucky indeed, small fry.”, Vee says, ruffling the colt’s mane with her wing, “And no, witches don’t usually hassle demons. What am I, some kinda lawyer? I never went to law school!”
Emerald asks how long Vee has known Joyride.
“I’ve known Joyride for a while now. I found her sleeping in a ditch! It reminded me that I needed to take a bath, so after I put her to sleep on my sleeping table I took a bath in the local water fountain. Good times.”
Emerald asks how long she is staying, and whether she could teach him a thing or two.
“I will not be here long enough to really teach you anything important. Unless you grow wings one day, and want to know how to preen. It’s the best. If you want to know how to make an amazing cup of coffee… Well! Good luck, because some potion recipes are sacred. No one shall touch the life giving bean unless it is my own purple hooves!”
Emerald asks if she seen any interesting places or things on her journeys.
“Oh yes, I’ve seen the world. I’ve worked in a saltmine. I looked down a big canyon. I’ve tried the daily special at the local Neight Mart… And lived to tell the tale!”
“Okay, okay…” Joyride says, starting to push the foals towards the door, “What are you, interrogators? Give it a rest! Vee and I have to chat.”
Inventory & Spells -