Emerald, while still maintaining the shield against the dust, attempts a push spell. He gives a dizzy wobble, but then the earthern cloud clears for a few short seconds.
In that time, Emerald sees Joyride and Uictoria firing dozens of spells at each other, causing multiple flashes of light, most of which miss their target by centimeters. The few that impact seem to have no more effect than knocking the receiver back a few paces and causing their spell to fly slightly more off mark. Emerald also sees Bellator charging straight at Joyride with his hammer, and Praelia going wide around the fight, possibly getting into some sort of advantageous position.
He doubts there is anything helpful he could do for Joyride. The Order’s attention not on him, Emerald runs away from the battle and after the dust cloud dissipates he gets his bearings and runs north along the wall of the camp.
When he reaches the house he wrenches the door open, darts inside, and slams the door shut, slightly breathless.
Looking into the room he sees are the surprised faces of the two guides, Hope, and Ruby. Good, she made it back.
“Are you alone? Where is Joyride?” Hope asks looking at Emerald, but giving a slightly depressed looking Ruby a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.
What does Emerald do?
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