
Do you wish to submit a report?

Do not PM staff members with your reports. Instead, if you think something breaks the rules, use the "Report" button, which is included next to all user-created content on the site. This will ensure swift handling of your issue, since most staff members don't check their PMs nearly as vigilantly as the reports queue.

Staff PMs are only for general questions or for getting help with using the site.

Before contacting any of the staff members, you should try to ask your question in our Discord or IRC channels.

Keep in mind that all staff are unpaid volunteers who donate their time and effort into making sure this site remains organized and operational. Please do not harass them, and try to keep your PMs constructive. We will happily answer your questions, however receiving plenty of PMs for no reason gets tiring and impacts our ability to tend to more important matters, so please make sure you actually have a need to contact a staff member before doing so.


High-level staff of the site, typically handling larger-scope tasks, such as technical operation of the site or writing rules and policies.

I am the technical operator and head staff of the site. PM me if you wish to report a security bug, or have concerns about a staff member.

I manage ads, keeping the site funded, and a little bit of everything moderation related when needed. You can message me with questions about donations, badges, ads, or high level concerns.

Technical Team

Developers and system administrators of the site, people who make sure the site keeps running.

Junior junior general derpibooru moderator. I am still learning the ropes, please be patient with me!

Dealing with duplicates, uploading better quality images, some tagging, and sometimes Philomena.

Sort of a tagging leader, there to organize people and get decisions made and apply them. I also do some coding and other site work and review rule enforcement. Feel free to ask tagging questions, or information on how to stay within rules.

Your friendly long-maned staff horse, primarily taking care of duplicate reports and approvals, as well as OC tag descriptions. Don't hesitate to shoot me a PM if you need help!


The main moderation force of the site, handling a wide range of tasks from maintaining tags to making sure the rules are followed.

I'm just here to help out however I can with whatever the site needs in order to be at its best.

Hey there! I'm Bytewave! I make things and break things... mostly break things. I help out around the site, generally handling duplicate reports, tagging, spam cleanup, and more.

I mostly work on tag-related updates but help out in other areas when needed.

友情は魔法だ. Artist concierge, helping artists with whatever they need help with, including verifying or customizing your tag, takedowns, DNPs, and issues with traces or other forms of derivative copyright. I also アジアの言語を手伝う. 友情は魔法だ🧚

I sell tags and tagging accessories.

i like working with tags, let me know if a tag (or set of tags) looks out of place or needs a clean up of large scale

Hiya! I mostly work in badges, tags, and artist links/aliases. Feel free to message if you’ve got a question in those areas :D

Hey there, I'm Fleety! I perform moderation overseeing and I will be glad to provide assistance through our support channels.

I often deal with artist relations (DNPs, verifications) and adding details/implications to tags. Feel free to dm me about anything :)

I specialize mainly in tags, feel free to ask me any tagging questions, no need to be shy!

I’m Mikey, I’m a friendly person who loves this site. I’m also a Site Moderator. Don’t hesitate to PM me if you need help with anything site related\!

Moderator for Derpibooru, I do a bit of everything. Contact me if you have any general questions or concerns.

I focus on tagging issues such as aliasing, categorising, and descriptions. Contact me if you have private tagging related concerns (or if you want to read copious amounts of detailed information regarding my OCs and AU).

That one dress-obsessed trans girl and crossdressing lover. Online daily. Feel free to PM me for assistance. Mainly stick to tagging and links, but always willing to help someone one-on-one.

Just a staff doing staff things, with a recent focus on patching up any severely undertagged images out there

As moderator, my main focus is tagging. Puhumme myös suomea! Contact me if you have questions about tagging, tag descriptions, "is there a tag for Y?", "what is this tag for?", "I want to make a tag for X, is it okay?".

This person didn't provide any description, they seem to need a hug.


Volunteers who help us run the site by taking simpler tasks off the hands of administrators and moderators.

I'm an assistant for Derpibooru, handling approvals, duplicates, and more! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me.

Heya, i am Firewire. Your regular old birbhorse, here to steal your bird seeds and occupy your birdbath. I also help out as a site assistent and here to help out with anything i can.

Hi, I'm Mares Fillies. I live for Twilight Sparkle's nerdy librarian bath water, ask me anything about tag implications and descriptions, or derpibooru artist verifications or just message me about Twilight Sparkle :D.

Hello, I am an assistant on derpibooru and I mostly work with tags and dupes

I assist with merging duplicate images and tagging.

This person didn't provide any description, they seem to need a hug.

Unavailable Staff

Privileged users who are currently inactive and do not participate in any moderation activities.

🙂 (Unavailable)
GenericArchangel (Unavailable)