
@Background Pony #D717
First off, you need to properly assess your situation. Why do you not feel safe? Who are you in danger from? Can you afford to keep yourself safe? If you’re afraid of hypothetical death squads roaming around and killing anyone who isn’t white, then I wouldn’t worry because that hasn’t happened yet and probably never will. If you’re afraid some MAGAtard is going to shoot you because they’re having a mental breakdown, keep in mind these kinds of people existed before Trump and were always here.
First off, you need to properly assess your situation. Why do you not feel safe? Who are you in danger from? Can you afford to keep yourself safe? If you’re afraid of hypothetical death squads roaming around and killing anyone who isn’t white, then I wouldn’t worry because that hasn’t happened yet and probably never will. If you’re afraid some MAGAtard is going to shoot you because they’re having a mental breakdown, keep in mind these kinds of people existed before Trump and were always here.
Second, if you’re being serious about immigrating to another country then you have to ask yourself. What country? Do I speak the language? Is my passport up to date? What sort of job skills do I have? How much money do I have and is it enough to afford a house or apartment in the country I wish to immigrate to? Other countries aren’t going to take you in out of the kindness of their own heart. If you don’t have a very specialized skill that they need then they don’t want to have anything to do with you ESPECIALLY if you don’t speak the language or know the culture.
Third, keep in mind other countries have their own societal issues that are sometimes even worse than the US. Issues such as racism, xenophobia, authoritarianism, wealth inequality and poverty, corruption, crime, and many more have to be looked at.