Clear Vision 

Petrolhead Artist
@Background Pony #DBBF
She barely fits inside the suit as is, plus a sports bra would just be extra weight when she’s already losing a tenth per lap due to her chest-mounted driver “ballast”.
She barely fits inside the suit as is, plus a sports bra would just be extra weight when she’s already losing a tenth per lap due to her chest-mounted driver “ballast”.
@Background Pony #124D
Thanks for the welcome, I appreciate it mate. I’ll genuinely have a think about it, as I’ve realised previous issues I’ve had that made me leave in the first place were probably a silent majority vocal minority thing.
Thanks for the welcome, I appreciate it mate. I’ll genuinely have a think about it, as I’ve realised previous issues I’ve had that made me leave in the first place were probably a silent majority vocal minority thing.
It can be really tough to see it as that though when it feels like there’s more obstacles being thrown in my way, and some people being critical of things that artists way more successful and more well-known than me seemingly get a completely free pass for (or something they missed the entire point of).
I’ll start uploading again if I can figure out some sort of reasonable compromise that works for me, whether it’s uploading new stuff after a 3-6 month delay, or only uploading lower res files, or something else entirely. We’ll see :)
Action shots with cars are something I’ll probably look into at some point in the future. Main priority for now as far as that’s concerned though is just doing more of them. I used to be able to do about 4-6 a year, now it feels like a miracle if I do more than 1.
Action shots with cars are something I’ll probably look into at some point in the future. Main priority for now as far as that’s concerned though is just doing more of them. I used to be able to do about 4-6 a year, now it feels like a miracle if I do more than 1.
It’s partly down to me being more thorough with the ambient occlusion in my shading from 2023 onwards, partly due to me trying to be more accurate with certain details e.g interiors, and partly just me being demotivated and stressed because of the thought of having to compete with AI on top of other artists. The truth is that generally people do not care about how something was made, and that’s been true even before widespread AI art usage. The people who do care are in the minority even if there’s a lot of them. It’s just felt hard to justify spending an increased amount of time per piece when I should just be pumping out a large number of “okay” pieces
I’ve felt a tiny bit better in 2025 so far because of a few smaller breakthroughs. Still better than not feeling better at all though! I’m hoping I’ll get through this slump eventually.